Individual work 10/19 – 10/23
Tuesday, 10/20 Power Words 1.Decree 1.Definition 2.Sentence: It was the decree of the Queen to “Let them eat cake.” 2.Defect 1.Definition 2.All citizens of the United States have ancestors who had defected from their home country. DLP 1.Charles Dickens was born on February on Portsmouth England. 2.He spent most of his childhood in london and kent, the sett6ins for may of his books.
Wednesday, 10/21 Power Words 1.Immigrant 1.Definition 2.Sentence: an immigrant is also a defector 2.Legacy 1.Definition 2.My legacy from my father is that I like to work with my hands. DLP 1.He started school when he was 9 but his education ended early. 2.Charles had to work in a sweatshop. He did not have a chance to return to school.
Thursday, 10/22 Power words 1.Nomad 1.Definition 2.Sentence: A Siberian Husky is known to be a nomad. 2.Ratify 1.Definition 2.North Carolina was the last state to ratify the Declaration of Independence. DLP 1.The first writings were published by Dickens in His pen name was Boz a name he liked very much.
Friday, 10/23 Power Words 1.Realm 1.Definition: 2.Sentence: Great Britain is the realm of Queen Elizabeth II. 2.Resolution 1.Definition 2.Sentence: In literature, the resolution ties up loose ends of the story. DLP 1.The Pickwick Papers his first novel made Dickens famous. 2.Dickens speaked all over the world on lecture tours.