Assessment of fishing impacts on biodiversity loss, with special reference to the threatened species, to develop management options for their protection FISHCMFRISIL TENTATIVE PLAN OF ACTION March 2014 to March 2015
Centres West coast Kochi Vizhinjam Mumbai Veraval East coast Mandapam Thoothukudi Vishakapatnam Chennai
MUMBAI Impact of dol net fishing on the exploitation of pomfrets Impact of fishing (trawl net) on the bombay ducks Harpodon nehereus Estimation of economic loss of pomfrets (dol net) & bombay duck (trawl net)
Kochi Interactions of hook & line fishing and threatened species Impact of ring seines on the resources – special emphasis on the exploitation of spawners and juveniles Impact of hook & line fishing on the Blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) Impact of trawl – special reference to discards Estimation of economic loss of juveniles in trawl Historical information on species loss based on centres & gears
Vizhinjam Impact of trawl – bycatch Bottom set gill nets Estimation of economic loss – juvenile exploitation in trawl
Thoothukudi Impact of bottom set gill nets on the vulnerable / threatened species in the coral reef areas of the Gulf of Mannar Economic value– corals & sponges – bottom set gill nets
Mandapam Impact of bottom set gill nets on the vulnerable / threatened species in the coral reef areas of the Gulf of Mannar Economic valuation– sea grass, echinoderms gorgonids & sponges (bottom set gill nets)
Chennai Impact of ring seines on the resources – special emphasis on the exploitation of spawners and juveniles
Visakhapatnam Economic valuation of threatened species with special emphasis on turtles Economic loss of juveniles in trawl bycatch
Fishing gears – classification Attributes & ranking Type of fishing ground Incidence of threatened species Spawners Juveniles Mesh size No. of fishing days in a year
Species loss Based on historical information Selection of centres Selection of gears Based on historical information Selection of centres Selection of gears