Padre Island in Texas By: Sara
Animals Green Sea Turtles Birds Fish Mammals
i The green sea turtle is not actually green in color, but mottled brown. The name is derived from the greenish fat of the body.
Birds Because of the island’s location on the central flyway, a major migratory route, about 380 species of birds have been documented within Padre Island. This is approximately 45% of all birds species documented in North America.
There are over 15 fish species in Padre Island.
Mammals There are few mammals in Padre Island.
Camping, Hiking, Backpacking Kayaking, Saltwater fishing Guided tours, Historic sites Bird watching, Nature viewing
September 28, 1965
Interesting facts Although Padre Nicolas Balli Established the first permanent settlement on the island, the island was previously owned by his father and grandfather who obtained the original grant from the Spanish crown.
Location Padre Island is between Kingsville and Port Mansfield. Padre Island is right next to the Gulf Of Mexico.
Credits Mr. Knowles Ruby Ray Anna Goddard