Pope hugs weeping girl who begs to know why God allows children to be abandoned to drugs and prostitution.


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Presentation transcript:

Pope hugs weeping girl who begs to know why God allows children to be abandoned to drugs and prostitution

“Many children are abandoned by their parents. There are also many who became victims and many terrible things happened to them like drugs or prostitution. Why does God allow these things to happen to us? The children are not guilty of anything. And why are there only very few people helping us? GLYZELLE PALOMAR

“She is the only one who has put a question for which there is no answer. When the heart is able to ask itself and cry, then we can understand. Jesus in the Gospel, he cried. He cried for his dead friend, he cried when he saw the poor widow burying her son. It is only when we learn to cry with those who are suffering that we can begin to understand them and to love them.” POPE FRANCIS