Narrative and Finish Line: A Quick 13 State Tour Getting to the Finish Line Conference July 17, 2008
Goals for the year ahead Build support in new legislature for continued growth in SCHIP enrollment Revamp outreach campaign to enroll more eligible, uninsured children Reduce “churn” in enrollment through systems improvements
Challenges Ongoing budget crisis Elimination of state outreach funds Changes in legislative and executive (?) leadership Opportunities Strong network of partners across the state SCHIP record of success for working families
Achievement in Child Coverage Protected KidsCare and KidsCare Parents from eligibility rollbacks and cuts despite $2 billion deficit
Goals for the year ahead Improve collection and reporting of data related to enrollment and reenrollment Decrease # eligible uninsured kids lost through reenrollment barriers Expand ARKids eligibility to 300% FPL Create buy-in program for children in families above 300%
Challenges SCHIP reauthorization uncertainty Lukewarm support from Governor Conservative budgeting despite surplus First close examination of enrollment/re-enrollment in several years, some reeducation necessary Opportunities Very strong support for ARKids Strong network of partners across the state Motivated legislative champions Better than expected budget Good relationships with DHS/Medicaid
Achievement in Child Coverage Reduced the rate of uninsured kids from 21% to 11% since the inception of ARKids Enacted and maintained many policy changes in ARKids that have helped to maintain enrollment Self-declaration of income 12 month continuous (B/SCHIP only) Decrease in ARKids B/SCHIP waiting period from 12 to 6 months Removal of assets test Streamlining efforts with Food Stamps
Goals for the year ahead Defend against “one step back” policies such as Semi- Annual reporting for children in Medi-Cal Ensure health coverage for all children regardless of immigration status – through broad state health care reform, stand-alone bill, or ballot initiative Partner with allies to collect over 100 family stories in strategic areas Support SCHIP reauthorization effort by educating CA Congressional delegation
Challenges SCHIP reauthorization and CMS directive uncertainty Inconsistent support from Governor Unprecedented state budget deficit Difficulty finding viable financing mechanism for coverage expansion Local Children’s Health Initiatives running out of funding Opportunities Strong network of partners across the state Key legislative champion ascends to Senate leadership post Compelling media ‘hook’ of children losing coverage
Achievement in Child Coverage Won insertion of expansion to ALL children up to 300% FPL in 2007/08 Governor’s health care reform package, with early start date for children (package narrowly failed January 2008)
Goals for the year ahead Reform the system to work better for kids and families Generate awareness and engage public support
Challenges Major fiscal restraints State leadership's non-committment to the Initiative's policy options and timeline Initiative's leadership comprised of multiple organizations Opportunities 2010's recent successes Governor's promise to cover all kids Initiative's leadership comprised of multiple organizations
Achievement in Child Coverage Simplification of the current eligibility determination system for public health coverage programs (administrative verification of income) Expansion of CHP+ (SCHIP) to 225%FPL Implementation of Presumptive Eligibility for kids Establishment and expansion of medical home initiative for kids and performance standards for Medicaid and CHP+ services Additional new policies created by state based on 2010 recommendations Growing recognition of the 2010 All Kids Covered Initiative by stakeholders
Goals for the year ahead Protect full coverage of All Kids for non-citizen children Increase enrollment through engaging community-based allies Promote All Kids as a successful government role in health coverage
Challenges Governor’s unpopularity Attacks from the right of non-citizen coverage State budget woes Opportunities Growing campaign for healthcare for all Possible positive federal role
Achievement in Child Coverage Increased positive support and ownership of All Kids among politicians other than the governor
Goals for the year ahead Implement the policies from the 2008 legislation Assure funding for children’s health coverage stays in the budget Increase advocacy support among other groups
Challenges SCHIP reauthorization uncertainty Competition with adult health care reform Funding, due to the budget and the flooding Opportunities Strong legislative support for kids coverage Momentum is on our side right now
Achievement in Child Coverage We moved a draft bill with language about mandatory coverage for children into a bill with expanded eligibility and improved retention and renewal strategies, and got nearly unanimous legislative support for it.
Goals for the year ahead Expand eligibility from 200%-300% FPL Advance simplification agenda for enrollment, renewal, and retention Build coalitions for local outreach
Challenges State leadership hesitating on expansions Tight State FY budget climate Need to build public and political will on immigrant coverage agenda Opportunities Strong network of partners across the state Motivated legislative champions August 17 th directive not applicable to OH
Achievement in Child Coverage Won Children’s Buy In down to 250% FPL Facilitated cabinet level conversations across all OH agencies serving children Formed successful CKF coalitions in Columbus-area and in Mahoning Valley
Goals for the year ahead To pass the Governor’s Healthy Kids Plan and provide health care coverage for more than 100,000 currently uninsured Oregon kids Reauthorize SCHIP in the first 100 days of the new administration Maintain and expand moratorium on harmful CMS directives
Opportunities Healthy Kids Plan is Governor’s top priority Governor is proposing that 66,000 currently eligible, but un-enrolled kids be covered by administrative rule change with general funds Oregon Health Fund Board, proposal to cover children as first step SCHIP support from 6 of 7 congressional members
Challenges Governor is a lame-duck Funding mechanism for the Healthy Kids Plan has not been completely detailed Previously strong legislative supporters, now hesitant Growing resistance in the advocacy community Loss of timber revenue Harmful ballot measures Growing number of underinsured kids
Achievement in Child Coverage 12-month continuous eligibility win Resurrection of the Healthy Kids Plan Shortened, simplified application process State commitment to train community partners in outreach and application assistance
Goals for the year ahead Maintain current RIte Care eligibility levels and benefits package for children and parents. Expand RIte Care eligibility from 250% FPL to 300% FPL. Create buy-in program for children in families above 300% FPL. Document cases of enrollees who are sanctioned or lose coverage for unpaid premiums.
Challenges Global Medicaid waiver Continued projected budget deficits Opportunities Strong statewide network of partners, bolstered by new RIte Care Works Coalition Motivated legislative champions
Achievement in Child Coverage Prevented cuts to RIte Care eligibility for citizen children (maintained at 250% FPL) and minimized cuts to parents (rolled back from 185% FPL to 175% FPL, rather than 133%, sparing 6,400 parents)
Goals for the year ahead Fix eligibility system and increase outreach 12 month coverage for Children’s Medicaid Expand eligibility to 300% FPL (sliding scale) Create full cost buy-in above 300% FPL
Challenges Cost of Agenda Unknown Speaker and Committee chairs Concerns with growing government program SCHIP reauthorization uncertainty Opportunities Strong network of partners across the state Motivated health champions Support from Chambers of Commerce Increased attention on health care issues due to presidential elections
Achievement in Child Coverage Enrolled 10% of uninsured Texas children in under 10 months Hospital and Chamber endorsement of full agenda for 2009 Development of strong economic argument Development of a statewide grasstops and grassroots plan of action
Goals for the year ahead Begin discussion around removal of five year waiting period for legal immigrants Move forward with legislation to improve CHIP enrollment and retention—P/E, express-lane, income eligibility to 250% FPL, and/or Buy-In Carry out effective electoral advocacy Secure funding and initiate Latino outreach within Utah Mexican Hometown Clubs
Challenges CHIP enrollment is slow Health System Reform task force is proving somewhat ineffective Opportunities Strong bi-partisan support for children’s health care Big successes from last session will be easy to capitalize on for this year
Achievement in Child Coverage Removed enrollment cap from CHIP Formed health system reform taskforce Mandated coordination for CHIP outreach between Health Dept., Dept. Workforce Services, and State Board of Ed. Mini-grants for minority outreach
Goals for the year ahead Build public support for Cover All Kids Enroll 50% of eligible uninsured kids Expand eligibility to 300% FPL Create affordable buy-in program for children in families above 300%
Challenges Tough elections & legislative environment SCHIP reauthorization uncertainty DRA Citizenship Verification barriers Opportunities Strong network of partners across the state Motivated legislative champions
Achievement in Child Coverage Won public support for an expansion for all children, and an entitlement for care Ensured that federal citizenship verification did not result in terminations
Goals for the year ahead Continued strong outreach for BadgerCare Plus Identifying and removing barriers to participation Improving coverage of immigrant children
Challenges Enrollment far exceeds expectations, and WI budget is in the red Opposition to coverage of immigrants Opportunities Commitment of Governor and many legislators to continue expanding access to insurance Strong network of partners across the state
Achievement in Child Coverage Enactment and implementation of BadgerCare Plus without changes because of Aug. 17 directive. 16% increase in enrollment during the first 4 months (49,000 more kids). Kids eligible regardless of income, but 83% of the initial increase was among kids below 200% of FPL