Project One: Creating a Complex Color Wheel
Your first project is to design and complete a complex color wheel. I am using the word COMPLEX, because no ordinary color wheel will do. Your design should be an original idea. It should be radial (however I am open to discussion on this point – please ok this change with me beforehand)
You will need to consider all of the points/instructions listed: Locate the center of your 12” x 12” paper using a ruler Using a protractor or ruler you need to create a total of 12 segments (hint: you can create equal segments by using a protractor to make marks every 30 degrees) If you are creating a design other than radial – or you have a different type of design in mind you MUST approve this with me first – please have a sketch ready in your sketchbook for me to sign-off on. Your design should be your own original idea. You should sketch your design in your sketchbook and create a plan for the colors in all you will have a total of 12 colors and 12 tints – plan this carefully because they must be fall ‘in order’ even if your design is different from the traditional radial design. The Primary Colors must appear ‘pure’ and in the order it would fall in a traditional color wheel The Secondary Colors must be mixed properly and appear in the order they would fall in a traditional color wheel. The Tertiary Colors must be mixed properly and appear in the order they would fall in a traditional color wheel. A tint of 50% of each color in your complex color wheel must be properly mixed and appear in the order it would appear.
Your completed color wheel needs to be carefully cut and mounted on black tag board for display. Your name needs to appear in the LOWER RIGHT HAND CORNER in WHITE Pencil. Quality is important. Your work needs to be completed by the due date posted Friday September 3 rd !