Downloaded from Current Status of ART Opportunities & Challenges Kibrebeal Melaku,MD Associate Professor of Medicine December, 2005
Downloaded from Current Status of ART in Ethiopia: Opportunities & Challenges l Ethiopia is one of sub-Saharan countries hard hit by the HIV pandemic. According to the 2005 projection of Federal Ministry of Health’s Fifth reports of “AIDS in Ethiopia”, the HIV national adult prevalence rate is estimated to be 4.7%, of which 12.5% are urban and 3.0% rural. The cumulative number of people living with HIV/AIDS is about 1.7 million out of which more than 286,200 are AIDS cases in need of ART. How ever it is quite disturbing to note that there is still a huge gap between the number of patients eligible for ARV with the number of patients who are currently receiving HAART (286,200 Vs 21,200). l The Ethiopian government adapted the policy of ARV drug supply and use for the first time in July 2003.Such move paves the way for more initiatives towards facilitating access to free and low cost ARV drugs. Subsequently the government launched the free ARV treatment initiative in January 2005,which has given access to significant number of patients in a very short period of time. l In the following section, we will further discuss the current situation of ART in Ethiopia. The existing challenges and the available opportunities to scale up and expand the ART program will be discussed as well in depth.
Downloaded from l Provide an overview on the Current Status of ART Implementation in Ethiopia l To discuss on Opportunities and Challenges on implementing ART in Ethiopia
Downloaded from Administrative Division
Downloaded from AIDS in Ethiopia, Fifth Edition l Number of adult PLWHA in million l Number of adult PLWHA in million l People eligible for ARV drugs u In 2004…… …………… ,358
Downloaded from Ethiopia’s Response l Developed ART Policies and ARV guidelines Trained ART providers ( ~ 800). Trained ART providers ( ~ 800). l Launched ART program (July 2003) l Physician-centered, Out-of pocket basis. Currently: ~ 21,200 patients are on ART Currently: ~ 21,200 patients are on ART ( ~ 6,200 – Free) ( Fee based - 15,000) ( Fee based - 15,000) u In 35 (25 public, 10 private) hospitals u In 7 regions u Total PLWHA are on ART
Downloaded from National Consensus l Strengthen and expand the National ART Program Goal: Implement safe, effective, equitable and accessible ART program while strengthening the health care system Goal: Implement safe, effective, equitable and accessible ART program while strengthening the health care system l Scaling-up efforts will be coordinated and integrated l Country partners: MOH, HAPCO, DACA, EHNRI, AAU Regional Health Bureaus, Private sector, Media, Facilities l Supported by USG partners, UN, WHO, Others.
Downloaded from ART Rollout Plan l PHASED Approach l FY ’ : u Free ART will be started in 20 Hospitals u Then will be expanded to 50 hospitals l FY’05 – ‘08: u 126 hospitals
Downloaded from ART ART Opportunities Challenges
Downloaded from Challenges Technical & Programmatic
Downloaded from l Weak health systems l Competing National priorities on financial resources l Stigma - serious challenge l Supply Vs Demand - Eligibility
Downloaded from l Human resources: u MD, HO, RN, Pharmacy. P., Laboratory P. u Training – Standardization l Infrastructure: – Space, esp. pharmacy l Lab equipment and supply l Systems: HMIS, QC/QA
Downloaded from l Processes u Standardization – Services, Trainings u Integration - Coordination u Ownership: National, Regional, Facility u Strengthen Referral Linkages l Mechanisms of Procurement, Storage & Distribution – Assuring uninterrupted supply
Downloaded from l Long term Mx of Chronic Infection: u Practice Set-up u Monitoring Safety & Efficacy u Adherence - RESISTANCE “Site Readiness – Minimum Package” “Accreditation” l Sustainability - AIDS Fund
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Downloaded from 1. National Commitment u Strategic Plan & Management u ARV Policy, ARV Guidelines u ART Implementation Guideline l Provision of Safe & effective ART. l Capacity Building u Strengthen the health care delivery system
Downloaded from 2- Access to care/ART: l Negotiations with the pharmaceuticals l Local Generic drug production
Downloaded from 3- Global initiatives and opportunities: l PEPFAR [ETAEP] l GFATM l World Bank l Others
Downloaded from PEPFAR Targets l Treat more than 2 million with HAART l Prevent 7 million New Infections Care for 10 million HIV-infected persons and those orphaned by HIV Care for 10 million HIV-infected persons and those orphaned by HIV
Downloaded from PEPFAR Five Year Country Goals: ETHIOPIA
Downloaded from PEPFAR/ETAEP Support l Target: 15,000 patients on ART first year 20 hospitals 20 hospitals 80 health centers 80 health centers
Downloaded from Global Fund (GFATM) Support Target: 20,000 patients first year 20 – 30 hospitals 20 – 30 hospitals 90 health centers 90 health centers
Downloaded from Other ART Programs l MSF Holland l ENAHPA l Red Cross l RATSON
Downloaded from Ingredients for Successful ART Program l Individual commitment to fight HIV l Total health professional commitment to treat HIV/AIDS l National commitment to curb the raging epidemic for the collective good l Political will to commit resources & efforts l Collective commitment to take care of people with HIV/AIDS with sensitivity and dignity
Downloaded from ART ART Challenges Opportunities
Downloaded from Then Power of ART will be Realized!