Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs): Addressing the Challenges of Health Care Reform Community Treatment Program (CTP) Caucus Clinical Trials Network Meetings Building Integration CTPs – FQHCs - Funders March 15, :00 PM – 6:30 PM
Goal: Articulate opportunities for integration between FQHCs & CTPS Understand FQHCs Understand FQHCs Discuss how CTPs can become one or integrate with one Discuss how CTPs can become one or integrate with one Discuss the Opportunities Discuss the Opportunities Discuss the barriers Discuss the barriers Next steps Next steps CTP Member Panelists John Gardin, Ph.D. Director of Behavioral Health & Research ADAPT, Oregon Nancy Paull Chief Executive Officer SSTAR, Inc., Massachusetts Guest Panelists Alexander F. Ross, Sc.D. Office of Special Health Affairs Health Resources and Services Administration Michael R. Lardiere, LCSW Director, Health Information Technology Sr. Advisor, Behavioral Health National Association of Community Health Centers
Background of NIDA CTN Studies of behavioral, pharmacological, & integrated behavioral & pharmacological treatment interventions in rigorous, multisite clinical trials to: determine effectiveness, practicality, & feasibility across a broad range of treatment settings & diversified patient populations; & Transfer of research results to physicians, clinicians, providers, & patients. 3 ways to use the CTN are: to conduct ancillary studies in connection with CTN protocols; to conduct ancillary studies in connection with CTN protocols; to utilize CTN Node facilities as a platform for investigations; & to utilize CTN Node facilities as a platform for investigations; & Nodes to serve as home bases for NIH Training Centers & individual researchers who have NIH fellowships or career development awards. Nodes to serve as home bases for NIH Training Centers & individual researchers who have NIH fellowships or career development awards.
Scope of the CTPS # of states – 36 # of CTPs – states + Puerto Rico Modalities – OP, Res, IOP Patients - 10s X Thousands Youth and Adults Diverse populations
Questions from Caucus members 1)What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming an FQHC or FQHC look-alike? (Development time, money, relationships, infrastructure). 2)What does it take to become an FQHC or look-alike? (Development time, money, relationships, infrastructure). 3)What do you recommend for programs establishing partnerships with FQHCs? What should they seek?What should they seek? What pitfalls should they avoid?What pitfalls should they avoid? 4)What are the distinctive issues for small, medium, large addiction treatment programs? 5)Does there exist a mechanism for payment to mental health and substance abuse providers for services to FQHC patients? 6)Can FQHC’s do onsite medical services at providers’ locations with or without establishing the site as a formal FQHC? (including Block Grant effect the ability to provide services & integrate services 7)How might funding reductions at the federal & state level (including Block Grant effect the ability to provide services & integrate services