The Hispanic Culture of Mexico By: Kate Conger Jennifer Joyner
Demographics Mexico contains 2/3 of overall Hispanic culture 3 major subgroups of Hispanic culture Mexico Puerto Rico Cuba
Majority are Catholic, with an Increasing presence of Pentecostals Health is a gift from God Prevention of Illness is an accepted practice Accomplished with prayer Wearing of religious medals or amulets Keeping relics in the home Visiting shrines with offerings and lighting candles Culture in Mexico: Religion
Culture in Mexico: Health & Medicine Individuals turn to family, especially elders, when sick Based on Aztec beliefs of balance and supernatural powers Balance 4 Humors Blood Phlegm Black Bile Yellow Bile Hot and Cold “Hot” treats “cold” “Cold” treats “hot”
Supernatural Powers Healers of Mexico Curanderas Culture in Mexico: Health & Medicine
Quality of Healthcare is comparative to United States Most physicians get training in U.S. Privatized healthcare for those who can afford it Public healthcare subsidized based on employment status Preventative care is often neglected Culture in Mexico: Health & Medicine
Most Latin Americans see thinness as a problem and plumpness as the ideal Hispanic men expect to be waited on in sickness AND in health Culture in Mexico: Ideas about Healthcare
Health Concerns of Obesity & Type II Diabetes # 2 Worldwide in Obesity 24% 205 McDonalds Restaurants Consumption of soda has 60% over 14 yrs Leading cause of death is cardiovascular disease 10 Mil out of 100 mil (total pop.) has diabetes About 67,000 deaths a year Diabetes Type II affects 10% of its population in ages over 20. It affects % in ages over 50.
Blend of Indian and Spanish Major Cooking Methods Stovetop Stewing Frying with fats or oils Corn (Maize) is the basis Chicken, Pork > Beef Seafood common in coastal areas Culture in Mexico: Diet and Nutritive Sources
Inexpensive food items Corns Rice Beans Peppers Cheese and eggs round out meal Foods are high in carbohydrates but NOT processed carbohydrates Other items found in Hispanic diet: Squash, papaya, pineapple, plantains, sweet potatoes and yams, guava, lime, avocado, Serrano and jalapeño peppers, tomatoes and tomatillos, cilantro, vinegar, garlic, onions, oregano, vanilla, and chocolate Culture in Mexico: Diet and Nutritive Sources
A Typical Meal Desayuno (Breakfast) Coffee Sweet rolls and/or eggs Comida (Lunch) Between the hours of 1pm and 3pm Largest meal Soup, meat dish, rice, tortillas, coffee, and dessert or fruit Cena (Suppper) Usually after 9pm and is a light meal
Soak Maize in lime-water solution Helps calcium and Niacin to become more bioavailable Grinding stones used to prepare the tortillas provide Iron and Zinc Beans B Vitamins Magnesium Folate Fiber Tomatoes and Limes Vitamin C Papaya, Squash, Melon, Mango & Sweet Potatoes Carotenoids Nutrition
Acculturation Changing nature of diet Fueled by globalization and urbanization Increased use of animal products and processed foods Large amounts of sugar, refined flour, and hydrogenated fat More than twice as likely to drink whole milk, but less likely to drink low-fat or skim milk Decline in the intake of whole grains, fruit, and vegetables Adoption of a more sedentary lifestyle So where does the Obesity and Diabetes come from?
More physical activity Use healthier methods of cooking like broiling or baking Do not eat past 7pm Avoid the processed foods Take heed to preventative care What Can Be Done? Avoid frescos, drinks made of fruit syrup, water, and sugar Drink low-fat or skim milk Cook with healthier oils such as corn or vegetable oil Increase whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables! Portion Control Avoid fast foods like McDonalds towards-medicine-and-illness/#ixzz1HdlAwkrN towards-medicine-and-illness/#ixzz1HdlAwkrN Central Americans and Mexicans, Diets of - calcium, food, nutrition, body, diet, health, protein, fat, nutrients, vitamin, amino, acids, water, vitamins, habits, Traditional Dietary Habits Mexicans-Diets-of.html#ixzz1HdqYVv15Central Americans and Mexicans, Diets of - calcium, food, nutrition, body, diet, health, protein, fat, nutrients, vitamin, amino, acids, water, vitamins, habits, Traditional Dietary Habits Mexicans-Diets-of.html#ixzz1HdqYVv References