Aviation and ecology npor. Tomáš KADLEC 2013
Ecology topics Water and soil contamination Emissions – Greenhouse efect (CO 2, NO X, CH 4, 0 3, freons) – SMOG Noise and vibrations Light noise at night
History of aviation st passanger WWII – 0,25mil airplanes 1960 – aviation became public
Air traffic today
Air transport in numbers 2.2 bn passangers per year 35 bn tons of freight per year (40% of world wide freight transport) Number of paved airports – USA 5194, China 442, Germany 330, France 297
Positives of air transport Direct Positives: tourist freedom, cultural and educational experience, sustainable development, public services (emergency, transplantation) Indirect positives: economical growth, job oportunities, saves enviroment, reduces poverty, 72billion employes in tourism
Negatives of air transport More emissions Noise Building airports and associated structures Emergencies and disasters Threat of spreading pandemic disease
No emission regulation so far Growth of air transport Kerosene contains less sulphur compounds (Air-companies doubled its effectiveness of fuel consumption since 1990) Emissions - today
Emissions - future By 2050 – aviation produces % of all emissions of CO 2 ACARE – reduction of CO 2 emissions beween 2001 and 2020 – reduction of NO X by 80% by 2020 Emission allowances (according to Kyoto protocol) – expected ratio 85% for free according performance, 15% redistributed through auction
Noise Aerodynamic noise Engine and other mechanical noise Noise from aircraft systems _______________________________________ Regulation- aircraft noise categories, noise abatement procedures Mitigation Aerodynamic noise Engine and other mechanical noise Noise from aircraft systems _______________________________________ Regulation- aircraft noise categories, noise abatement procedures Mitigation
Structures Takes only 1% of all transport structures (causes water and soil contamination) Airport operations and maintanance (service cars,rwy treatment,…) Animal migration – natural biocorridors (birdstrikes) Takes only 1% of all transport structures (causes water and soil contamination) Airport operations and maintanance (service cars,rwy treatment,…) Animal migration – natural biocorridors (birdstrikes)
Emergencies and disasters Crash sites – fuel leak, fire, toxical fumes Fuel dumping Holding ACFT during emergency or temporary airport closure