The War on Poverty Krishna Choudhary
According to the World Bank, poverty is the condition where a family earns less that one US dollar a day Causes include lack of resources, lack of medical care for disease, lack of jobs, lack of infrastructure, government corruption, overpopulation, lack of free trade, and the exploitation of people.
Life expectancy Human Development Index The UN estimates that one person dies every three seconds due to poverty
Was born in Bethlehem in the Roman territory of Judea, present day Isreal Founded what is today the largest religion Was crucified by the Romans Was resurrected from the dead All information about him comes from the Gospels The life of
The tenets of The Kingdom of Heaven All the humans on earth are your family God is the Devine Father Love God with all your heart Follow the commandments Love your enemy like your friend
The view of Jesus stated that the poor have a better chance of getting into heaven than the rich “the poor will always be with us” “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” Jesus saw money as a temptation that was obstacle in one’s path to heaven
My solution : PHILANTHROPY Rockefeller did it. The Gates and Bono are doing it If every billionaire chipped in, it would eradicate the world of poverty and pandemic disease