1 Department of Veterans Affairs and the Disaster Emergency Medical Personnel System (DEMPS) Program: Virtual World Training System Dr. Bob Smith, EdD DEMPS National Program Manager VHA Office of Emergency Management
2 Background: DEMPS Program Provides VA volunteers to render healthcare and assistance in a disaster Volunteers are deployed either under a Stafford Act Declaration (Federal Disaster) or an emergency or disaster within the VA +8,600 volunteers Drawn from throughout US, Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philippines
3 Performance Requirements Pre-DeploymentDeploymentPost Deployment Readiness: Personal Family Professional Respond Mobilize Transit Check-in Operations Safety, Security & Health Demobilize Recovery
4 Training Gaps Train volunteers in specific competencies and application of professional skills (MD, RN, Social Worker) for a disaster for the DEMPS deployment continuum Limited participation in Field Exercise due to cost, personnel availability No ability to practice mission roles other than field exercise, individually and as a team member
Task Break Out: Phase I and II
7 Phase II Efforts Review of literature Selected competencies SME Workshop and Story collection Live exercise observation Storyboarding Prototype
Variety of settings corresponding to the mission
12 Road Ahead: Phase III Develop Implement Evaluate