Keywords: Depression and the New Deal: Revision Objective: 1.To recap learning from unit 3 and 4 of America 2.To examine how to apply knowledge to exam qs.
Why did the US stock market crash? In October 1929 the Wall Street Crash happened bringing about an end to prosperity. Black Thursday: 24 Oct 1929, 13 million shares sold Over- production OverproductionSpeculationsTariffsPanic selling Unequal distribution of wealth
How did Farmers suffer in the 1930’s? Income on farms dropped 60% Still suffering from overproduction during the 1920s – prices were low so little profit Over-farming had led to soil becoming INFERTILE in Iowa. This created a DUST BOWL! Could not afford to pay mortgages and lost their farms. Farm workers lost jobs 1 million people travelling around looking for work
Did Hoover try to solve the Depression? He offered $4,000 million for major building projects to create jobs (Hoover Dam) He cut taxes to try to encourage people to spend Bought up farmers produce for more than it was worth Created the Emergency Relief Act - $300 million to states Set up Reconstruction Finance Corporation – loans to businesses He believed in laissez faire – so did very little to help economic recovery He believed in Rugged Individualism
How did Roosevelt deal with the Depression? Fireside Chats What were they? What did they intend to do? Were they successful? Resolved the Banking Crisis What was the problem with the banks? What was teh Emergency Banking Relief Act? How did Roosevelt restore confidence? The New Deal What was planned in the lame duck months? The first 100 days? What would be created?
What were the Alphabet Agencies? AAA Name: Goal: Method: Judgement CCC Name: Goal: Method: Judgement NRA Name: Goal: Method: Judgement PWA Name: Goal: Method: Judgement WPA Name: Goal: Method: Judgement
Exam Questions
Who opposed the New Deal and Why? Too LittleToo Much Businessmen/ Industrialists Supreme Court RepublicansBlacksHuey Long
How did WWII help the American economy? Lend Lease Women joining the workforce Conscription Northern Migration Which helped more in ending the Depression: Roosevelt’s New Deal or World War II?