Marvin Marshall By: Stephanie Moranz
About Marshall American Educator Writer: Lecturer: Landmark book, Discipline Without Stress Punishments or Rewards-How Teachers and Parents Promote Responsibility & Learning Lecturer: Presentations about his multiple-award winning book, Parenting Without Stress- How to Raise Responsible Kids While Keeping a Life of Your Own. Internationally known for his program on discipline and learning. Founded a public charity to supply books at no charge to every teacher of any school in the U.S.A. that applies to use his totally noncoercive (but not permissive) approach. Presented to government agencies, universities, associations, school districts, and schools in 44 of the United States, in 16 countries, and on 5 continents. He has a worldwide audience of over 15,000 subscribers to his free monthly newsletter, "Promoting Responsibility & Learning."
Forming His Approach "His approach stemmed from his acquiring knowledge about youth as a parent; a recreation director and camp counselor; a classroom teacher at the elementary, middle, and high school levels; a middle and high school counselor; an assistant principal of both supervision and control and curriculum and instruction; an elementary and high school principal; district director of education; and as a certificate holder from the William Glasser Institute."
About Marshall’s Approach His system was meant to motivate children to want to behave responsibly and motivate them to put forth effort in learning. His approach relies on internal motivation, rather than on external approaches of manipulation by using rewards or threats and punishments. He believed that internal motivation was far more effective at changing behavior than any form of external approach His approach is based on the simple fact of life that a person can be controlled by another person or organization but only can be changed by the actual person. The understanding that only individuals can change themselves is critical in influencing others. This approach was designed not only for use in schools but at home and in any situation dealing with children.
10 Practices That Damage Teaching and How They Can be Corrected 1). Being reactive rather than proactive Better Approach: Instead of waiting and reacting to misbehavior, they should inspire students at the outset to want to behave responsibly 2). Relying on rules of behavior Better Approach: Rather than relying on rules, carefully teach students the procedures they are expected to follow and then inspire responsible behavior (emphasize positive expectations) 3). Aiming for obedience rather than responsibility Better Approach: Rather than striving for obedience, concentrate on promoting responsibility 4). Creating negative images Better Approach: The picture you want to leave in students' minds is one that depicts what they should do 5). Unknowingly alienating students Better Approach: Speak in a friendly and supportive manner, they will be more likely to cooperate
Continued… 6). Confusing classroom management with discipline Better Approach: Explain to students that it is you responsibility to provide a classroom in which they can learn comfortably and efficiently. Explain that it is their responsibility to conduct themselves in a responsible manner and you will teach them how to do so. 7). Assuming Students know what is expected of them Better Approach: Teach the students the procedures and behaviors expected of them 8). Employing coercion rather than influence Better Approach: Recognize that people change themselves and do so when inspired and taught rather than coerced 9). Imposing consequences rather than eliciting responsible behavior Better Approach: When students misbehave or fail to meet expectations, use a consequence that he or she feels will improve the likelihood of responsible behavior 10). Relying on external influences rather than internal processes Better Approach: True change comes from the self-satisfaction that comes from one's own efforts. Do what you can to help students find pleasure in improvements in learning and behaviors
Hierarchy of Social Development Level A: Anarchy (unacceptable level) Lowest level of social development. When students are functioning at this level, they have no sense of order or purpose and they seldom accomplish anything worthwhile in class. Level B: Bossing/Bullying/Bothering (unacceptable level) Students at this level are bossing, bullying, or bothering others without consideration of the harm they are doing. They obey the teacher only when made to. Level C: Cooperation/ Conformity (acceptable level) Students conform to expectations set by the teacher or others and are willing to cooperate. However, motivation for responsible conduct comes from external influences, such as rules, teacher demands, and peer pressure. Level D: Democracy and taking the initiative to do the right thing (Highest and most desirable level) Students take initiative to do what they think is right. They behave responsibly without having to be to what to do. They are prompted by internal motivation. Teachers and students should aim for Level D although Level C is also acceptable.
25 Tactics Useful in Stimulating Students to Behave Responsibly Think and Speak Positively Use the Power of Choice Emphasize the Reflective Process Control the Conversation by Asking Questions Create Curiosity Create Desire to Know Use Acknowledgement and Recognition Encourage Students Use Collaboration Get Yourself Excited Foster Interpersonal Relationships in Class Use Variety Stress Responsibility Rather than Rules See Situations as Challenges, Not Problems Use Listening to Influence Others Be Careful About Challenging Students' Ideas Avoid Telling Raise Your Likability Level Empower By Building on Successes Nurture Students' Brains Emphasize the Four Classical Virtues Tutor a Few Students Each Day Hold Frequent Classroom Meetings Resolve Conflict in a Constructive Manner Establish Trust
How to Intervene When Students Misbehave Step 1: Use an Unobtrusive Tactic Before saying something directly, prompt a misbehaving student to stop by using techniques such as facial expression, eye contact, hand signal, moving closer, or changing voice tone Step 2: Check for Understanding If step 1 doesn't work check to see if the student understands the level of her chosen behavior. Step 3: Use Guided Choice Authority without punishment, give the student options to choose from in response to their behavior Step 4: Make a Self-Diagnostic Referral Identify the level of behavior, explain why this level of behavior is not acceptable Step 5: Give an Additional Self-Diagnostic Referral If the behavior doesn't stop assign an additional referral to complete like the first, mail copies home to the parents or guardians Step 6: Give a Final Self-Diagnostic Referral mail all copies home to parents or guardians and let them know you have exhausted all possibilities
Sources "About Marvin Marshall; Promoting Responsibility for Teachers and Parents." Dr. Marvin Marshall - Discipline without Stress, Punishments or Rewards. Web. 16 Oct. 2011. <>. Charles, C. M. "Chapter 10." Building Classroom Discipline. Tenth ed. Pearson, 2011. 175-93. Print.