John Griffith Chaney
Born January 12, 1876
John Griffith Chaney Early Childhood Education Family
Early Childhood Birth name is John Griffith Chaney. Father died when he was an infant. Flora (Jack’s mother) later remarried to John London. Was raised by a former slave Virginia Prentiss because his mother was ill. Suffered through poverty as a child.
John Griffith Chaney Early ChildhoodEarly Childhood EducationEducation Family
Education Completed grade school then went to work at various hard labor jobs Returned to high school at age 19
John Griffith Chaney Early ChildhoodEarly Childhood EducationEducation Family
Family First marriage 1900 –Bess Maddern “Mates should be married for good breeding not love” (Bess agreed) Fathered two daughters Joan and Bess Second marriage 1905 – no children Charmian Kittredge (writer)
John Griffith Chaney Died of kidney failure November 22, 1916
Jack London The Author
Author First stories published 1899 Overland Monthly Published short stories, poetry, political essays, fiction, and non-fiction novels. His life experience, socialist beliefs, and love of agriculture influenced his writings.
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Bibliography Jack [John Griffith] London. October 8, 2006, Wikipedia, Jack London. October 3, 2006, London