History 271 Fall 2015 Dr. Devine
A new approach to the large class...
Track “A” -- Read only the assigned textbook -- No need to attend class -- Exams based ONLY on the textbook -- Midterm (50 multiple choice) on October Final (50 multiple choice) on December 14
Track “B” -- Read four supplementary books (but not the text book) -- Must attend class (attendance taken) -- Exams based on books and in-class discussion -- Midterm (50 multiple choice) October Final (50 multiple choice) December Five quizzes (lowest score dropped) -- Short Writing Assignments -- OPTIONAL paper
There is NO Moodle page for this class.
Course Web Page
Buying your books -- DON’T overpay at the Matador Bookstore -- Buy on line at -- Join Amazon Student: /ref=sm_mkt_paper?tag=googhydr- 20&hvadid= &hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hv netw=g&hvrand= &hvpone =&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_2wjcn susmf_e /ref=sm_mkt_paper?tag=googhydr- 20&hvadid= &hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hv netw=g&hvrand= &hvpone =&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_2wjcn susmf_e
Track A There is no need to purchase the brand new 9 th edition of the Tindall and Shi textbook at the Matador Bookstore Buy the 8 th edition and search amazon or bookfinder by ISBN number
Tindall and Shi, America: A Narrative History Brief 8 th Edition ISBN:
Track B ANY edition of the books is fine. (That means buy the cheapest one available.) You can search by the ISBN numbers given on the syllabus.
Course Password to access reading: 271
Choose your Track by Monday, August 31 Dr. Devine at In the SUBJECT LINE type your NAME and your TRACK