DLMS PDC: Reverse Logistics Enhancements for Navy 180M – Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) 870M – RMA Status 856R – RMA Advanced Shipping Notice Louis Koplin NAVICP (215) , DSN 442
2 Background Naval Inventory Control Point (NAVICP) is wholesale material manager for Navy Class IX– mostly depot level repairables (DLRs) Aviation (including USMC aviation), Ships, Submarines Wholesale & most Retail supply inventory in Navy Working Capital Fund (NWCF) NAVICP has used Exchange Pricing for years Turn-in (retrograde) document number is the same as the requisition document number Exchange requisitions are identified by intra-Navy advice codes (5G, 5R, 5S, …) Net (reduced) price charged up front Failure to return retrograde part (“carcass”) results in a carcass value bill for the remainder of the value = Standard (full) price – Net price Carcass Tracking (CT) process ensures carcass is accountably returned to wholesale supply custody (may still be in-transit); Stock-in-Transit (SIT) tracks carcass (now in NWCF) to retrograde destination D6A/D7_ wash-through picks the carcass up into NWCF and closes CT while the D7 issues the NWCF item to the destination FT_ series material returns transactions are only used for inter-service NIMSC-5 exchanges No AE_ or AS_ statuses are produced (despite extensive ITV data collection) to avoid data collisions with requisitions moving under same document number – no condition code field on AE/AS
3 Reasons for Changes Navy collects extensive tracking/status data on retrograde Electronic Retrograde Management System (eRMS) is used to track every return – process dates, shipment dates, delivery dates (w/signature), serial numbers No ability to easily share tracking data with other DOD/commercial partners eRMS produces D6A/D7 transactions from prior page eRMS produces DWK/527D PMR due-in to final retrograde destination eRMS has custom feeds of Proof of Delivery (POD) from commercial shippers … cumbersome to add new providers or use other sources Navy is implementing Passive RFID (pRFID) for retrograde Globeranger solution designed to send 856S & 870S – causes data collision with requisition using the same document number Globeranger sits on top of eRMS Navy is enhancing Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR) exhibit management eRMS already supports PQDR (and EI) returns Improvements would integrate PQDR IT systems with eRMS Need to build interfaces … would be easier to use DLMS & DAAS
4 Overview of Proposal Enhance 180M to act as initiating event for retrograde Use BGN07 to indicate reason for return MRP Credit (FT), Exchange Credit (RA), SDR (SR), PQDR (PR), TDR (TR) Use BGN08 (w/BGN01) to manage 180M transactions Return Disposition (automatic or from central point), Restriction (to hold potential PQDR exhibit), Cancellation (to remove prior Restriction) Ensure that 180Ms can be sent directly between IT systems E.g., add URL as the transaction source/destination, rather than RIC Add full CAGE/Part Number/Serial Number (UII) support Provide support for exception address and special note requirements Update 870M to support ITV of shipments Add missing transportation elements Mode, SCAC, TCN, carrier tracking number, TAC Add consignee Much Navy retrograde is sent to a transshipment point; “consignee” would identify immediate destination, “ship-to” the final destination Add exception address fields Modify 856R to align with 180M/870M changes Add BGN06 values to indicate same reasons for return as in 180M 856R is very similar to a shipment 870M – also carries RFID fields
5 Summary Changes provide semantic framework for Navy returns Can use same document number on 180M/870M/856R (retrograde) as on 511R/940R/870S/856S (requisition/MRO) without data collisions 180M/870M allow Navy to improve PQDR management 856R allows Navy to proceed with pRFID implementations Updated DLMS transactions not meant to be translated into DLSS Except for Reason for Return = FT (MRP), which maps to FTA/FTE on 180M, FTM on 870M with shipment event, etc Navy legacy and ERP systems do not directly support enhanced functionality – legacy & ERP both interface directly with eRMS instead eRMS is used by Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Lays groundwork for future improvements to inter-Service material returns tracking / expedited disposition