The Data Protection Act (1998)
The Data Protection Act allows you to Check if any organisation keeps information about you on computer or in paper form See a copy of this personal information
The Data Protection Act (1998) The DPA is an attempt to ensure that: Data Controllers (the organisation which keeps the information) and the Data Users (the people who obtain, process or disclose information) give rights to the Data Subjects (you and me)
The Data Protection Act (1998) Data subjects have the right to challenge information kept about them, have it changed if it is incorrect and claim compensation if they suffer through the use of misinformation
DPA Other people do not have the right to see information about you It is against the law (DPA) for a data user (controller or user) to disclose information to someone else without you permission
The Data Protection Act (1998) Data Controllers must register with the Data Protection Registrar if they wish to hold information about data subjects
Data Protection Principles Anyone processing of personal data must comply with the eight enforceable principles of good practice.
Data Protection Principles Fairly and lawfully processed Processed for limited purposes Adequate, relevant and not excessive Accurate Not kept longer than necessary Processed in accordance with the data subjects rights Secure Not transferred to countries without adequate protection
Exceptions to the Act Some organisations are exempt from disclosing information, that is, they do not need to let you see the information they hold about you if it is to: Safeguard national security Prevent and detect crime Collect taxes
Exceptions to the Act The police still have to abide by the principles of the DPA You do not need to register if you hold personal or family information Or if the information is used for historical or statistical purposes e.g. William Wallace died 1305
Uses of data Watch a video clip