The House of Atreus The Story in The Odyssey Agamemnon
The House of Atreus 1st Generation 2nd Generation Names Events Names Pelops Hippodameia Oinomaos Myrtilos: Oinomaos’ charioteer Events The Race 2nd Generation Names Atreus Aërope Thyestes Events The Seduction The Ram The Feast
The House of Atreus 3rd Generation Agamemnon Menelaos Clytemnestra Orestes Electra Iphigeneia Ægisthos Important Events preceding Agamemnon The Feast of Thyestes The Blood Curse The Sacrifice of Iphigeneia at Aulis The Trojan War
The Story of Agamemnon in The Odyssey Odyssey 1: Zeus Speaks (Fagles 1.37-56) Odyssey 4: Menelaos’ Tale (Fagles 4.573-604) Odyssey 11: Agamemnon in Hades 1 (Fagles 11.437-518) Odyssey 24: Agamemnon in Hades 2 (Fagles 24.210-223)
Important Differences Ægisthos and 20 hired men kill Agamemnon The murder occurs in Ægisthos’ house The lookout was Ægisthos’ man No mention of: Clytemnestra’s motives (i.e. Iphigeneia) Clytemnestra raising her own hand against Agamemnon Orestes killing his own mother in revenge
The Oresteia Agamemnon: Agamemnon’s return and his murder by Clytemnestra The Libation Bearers: Orestes’ return years later and his murder of his mother, Clytemnestra, in revenge for his father’s death The Eumenides: The divine pursuit of Orestes for murdering his mother, Apollo’s defense of Orestes, Athena’s final judgement of Orestes at Athens.