Analysis of theme and cultural values (What does this book show us about the concept of justice, the rules of hospitality, and thoughts on revenge in ancient Greece?) Comparison of cultural values to present time (How do the ideas of justice and revenge compare with your current concept? Are Odysseus’s actions just?) Make comparisons to current hero stories (How is Odysseus like the action heroes of today?)
What is your concept of justice? Are Odysseus’s actions in Book 22 just or are they too severe to be considered just? Why or why not? In explaining yourself, consider specific acts and explain how they are justified or not.
1. Warm-up 2. Finish Book 22 presentations
LINE SECTIONSREADING ASSIGNMENT end Read your assigned lines Who dies, gets hurt, or what happens? Choose one specific line that tells us about the character of Odysseus. Cite the line. Verbal citation is fine. You may act it out if you choose, have an artist in your group create a visual representation (keep them appropriate), or just summarize for us.
Is Odysseus’s violence against the suitors justified? Why or why not? How is it justified in the story by the writer? Analysis of the hero’s journey (At what stage is Odysseus now?) Analysis of cultural values (What does this book show us about the rules of hospitality and the concept of justice in Ancient Greece? How do those rules compare to your own?)
Leadership skills Violence/revenge Importance of home
Lines 1-92: How does Penelope take the news of Odysseus’s return? Lines : Do you think that Penelope believes this is Odysseus and is just making him wait, or do you think that she really isn’t sure? What is your evidence from the text? Lines : Odysseus has the household clean up and throw a party to make it sound like a wedding feast so that the news of the massacre does not spread, because the families of the suitors would be after him. Lines : Penelope tests Odysseus. What is her test? Is she really testing him or is she torturing him for being gone for 20 years? What makes you think this? Lines : Odysseus tells her he has one more trial to accomplish at some point when he is old. Rest of Book 23: They tell each other the stories of their time apart and....
Ghosts of the suitors go to Hades The next day after the killing of the suitors, Odysseus goes to see his father. Families of the suitors show up looking for a fight Athena comes and tells them to end the bloodshed. No more fighting. End of book.
1. Review the list of key events from the Odyssey 2. Cut them out and put them in order 3. Glue them on to the graph of the hero’s journey in the appropriate place to show that you can identify the stages that Odysseus goes through in his journey.