Seminar Regulations Professors Chian-Yi Liu/ C.-F. Chen / Fuan Tsai Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research National Central University September 2013 RS6001 RS6003 CI8031
Date / Time Class: Thursdays, 10:00AM at R2-116 Invited Seminar: [not every week] Wednesday, 10:00AM (w/ backup on Friday) at R2-116 or R
Late / Absence Policy Sign-in sheet will be withdrawn after 5-minute of the class beginning. Sign-out sheet will be provided after each class. Any leave notification should be made no later than 17:00PM on the previous business day. No signature on sign-in sheet but on sign-out sheet is considered as late. Sick leave can be addressed with doctor’s note. 6
Roaster Change Any change on the presentation roaster must be made through your advisor and the professors in charge of the seminar. 7
Seminar Abstract Post a one-page (A4 size) abstract on the board outside R2-116 by 17:00PM Tuesday in the week of your schedule presentation. abstract to Miss Anny Liu by 17:00PM Tuesday in the week of your schedule presentation. 8
Seminar Abstract (contd.) Format: (1) Title (2) Name, institute, grade (3) Advisor(s) (4) Abstract (5) Keyword (6) Reference(s) (7) Advisor’s signature 9
Presentation 20-minute policy 15-minute oral presentation 5-min Q&A All abstracts, presentation materials, including figure legends, captions and tables, must in English. No script-reading style oral presentation. 10
Presentation (Contd.) Extension of previous presentation (1) General introduction (2) Previous works (3) Current status, new findings, and key achievements 11
Question and Answer We have very diverse research fields within the program, Q&A is the best way to broaden personal knowledge on specific topic. ‘Ballot’ may not be a proper form for Q&A, however, it may keep you are aware of each presentation 12
Suggestions Focus on one topic at one time. may not just present one article Discuss for proper reference(s) with your advisor. the most recent progress in the related research field fit your knowledge/understanding 13
Report Submit one written report to your advisor: to summarize your presentations by the end of the semester in English 14
Dress Code Presenter:smart casual Participant: casual 15
Grading Presentation and interaction:60% Participation: 25% Written report: 15% Note: “Participation” do include invited seminar series. 16
Friendly Reminder - Essay 1. Hypothesis / Scientific Question / Objectives 2. Approach / Methodology (model/data/analysis techniques used) 3. Results / Findings 4. Overall Significance / Implications / Contributions to Our Understanding 5. Key Uncertainties / Weak Points 18
Friendly Reminder - Presentation 1. Hypothesis / Scientific Question / Objectives 2. Approach / Methodology (model/data/analysis techniques used) 3. Results / Findings 4. Significance / Implications / Contributions to Our Understanding 5. Key Uncertainties / Weak Points 6. Presentation Quality 7. Delivery 8. Timing 19
DOs and DONTs DOs: Make a Presentation Like Steve Jobs by (6’55”) Make a Presentation Like Steve Jobs DON’Ts : Life After Death by Powerpoint 2010 by Don McMillan (9’29”) Life After Death by Powerpoint 2010 (1) (2) 20