October 16, :00am – 11:00am As you enter, if you can hear me, please select the smiley face icon
Use of webinar platform, Collaborate Documentation – What should be tracked? – Individual tutor PD forms – Monthly (or not) tutor reporting Using Classroom Aides Tutor Coordinator Learning Community Site Sharing of information
To talk… To type… To note approval, etc… Raise hand… Yes/no
What should be tracked?
Identify the needs of the learner – Formally – Informally Determine the best way to address those needs Incorporate strategies into your instruction Determine effectiveness of the strategies Share the techniques with others Document the process How does this look? – Monthly report example – Journal – Peer tutor meetings – Articles for newsletter – Observe another tutor – Co-tutor
Statement for Initial Tutor Professional Development Plan “As a volunteer instructor, I will continually strive to identify and meet the needs of the learner(s) I tutor by learning about and applying new techniques during my instruction. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the tutoring sessions, I will document the instructional strategies I apply and how the learner is affected. Whenever possible, I will share my tutoring experiences with my peers so we can all learn and grow together.”
Information gathered by TLC Sample online form which can be individualized for each program y=dGZUMl9aUklGcHdJY1dmYzd0bU94VlE6MA#gid=0 y=dGZUMl9aUklGcHdJY1dmYzd0bU94VlE6MA#gid=0
Definition Classroom Aide: Pg 18, AEFL Guidelines – Volunteers who provide supplementary instruction in a managed or open entry/open exit class are considered classroom aides, not tutors.
Role of Instructor vs Role of Classroom Aide Mutual Responsibilities The teacher and volunteer should treat each other with respect, as adults who are working together for the benefit of the learners. The teacher and volunteer should never discuss any student in front of other students. They should work together outside of class time to determine guidelines for expectations of each other. What else do you suggest?
Role of Instructor The teacher chooses what to teach and how to teach it. The teacher should be a role model for the volunteer in how to work with learners. The teacher might consult the volunteer about comments on a particular lesson or student outside of the classroom. The teacher should work with the volunteer to determine how he/she can best help in the classroom. The teacher should periodically communicate with the volunteer to prepare for activities. The teacher should offer praise and constructive criticism to the volunteer.
Role of Volunteer Classroom Aide The volunteer might work with individual students or small groups of students to give additional attention, explanations and support. The volunteer might choose the best methods to accomplish a particular task, after discussion with the instructor. Any suggestions about teaching and relationships with learners should be made out of sight and hearing of the learners. The volunteer must maintain confidentiality with respect to the learners. The volunteer must never repeat any information (grades, behaviors, conversations, family situation, medical, etc.) that may be learned concerning any student. The volunteer should model appropriate behavior, including language and dress.
Role of Volunteer Classroom Aide The volunteer should respect and adhere to school/program policies and procedures. The volunteer should learn and follow classroom behavior expectations. The volunteer should learn and follow classroom management strategies. The volunteer should notify the teacher privately of any student behavior or counseling concerns. The volunteer should arrive when expected and contact the teacher/program if not able to volunteer when expected. The volunteer should be flexible, enthusiastic, and creative.
Potential Areas for Discomfort Some teachers are not used to managing/overseeing other adult helpers in their classrooms so it might make them uncomfortable in the role. The roles of teacher as taskmaster and volunteer as friend and supporter to the students may develop. From your experiences, what would you add to this list?
Access? – Schedule of webinars Discussions Contact information
Each webinar will allow some time for Tutor Coordinators to share a success or challenge of the month. – What are your successes? – What are your challenges? What support can TLC provide you?
Next Tutor Coordinator Webinar: November 20, 10-11am Topics: * How to evaluate tutors * Getting from 1 to 5 on Guskey’s Triangle for Evaluating Professional Development