Depuration plant of processing water outcoming from production activity of Cantina Sociale di Massenzatico (RE). The cooperative winery receives grapes from associated farmers and produces 3 different types of wine and several by product as natural pigment and wine paste. PROJECT DATA Hidraulic load: lt/day The volume of waste discheged daily are well variable according to the activity of the winery because of production cycIe of the wine and its by products. Organic load: The highest and more representative analysis values recorded in the past years have been selected from water discharge samples, than selected as term of reference. parameterconcentrationLimit allowed% estimated deduction BOD mg/l25050 COD2645mg/l50050 Settling solids410 mg/l20050 ammoniacal nitrogen (NH 4 )2 mg/l3050 Discharge is connected to public sewage system in accordance to chart Tab.3 del DGL to regulate discharge quality.
SITUATION BEFORE RESTORATION Property was asking to adapt an old structure made of few cylindrical concrete tanks used to collect rainwater. From first evaluation it was evidenced the small volume of the tanks and a very difficult possibility to lower the parameter of the discharge within the limit admitted by law and to avoid paying high cost on deputation fees. As a risult of such a situation a chemical oxidation process have been selected in order to lower as much as possible the biological and chemical oxidating pollutant, a COD and BOD tangible reduction to limit managment expenses and discharge fees.
The existing structure have been sized and evaluated. The tanks have been cleaned to identify the hidraulic piping. The number of single tanks was enough to evaluate a correct depuration process but the hidraulic was to be modified, increasing the level to maximise the volume of each tank and obtain longer retention time..
Some hidraulic connection have been sealed to increase the level of the tanks to obtain a logic process with a simple solution. The process is made of a first pumping station to serve also as equalization from load peak point. Three total oxidation tanks to follow, in the first tank it is possible to inject a quantity of Ozon (3gr/h) mixed with air. Ozone is an high oxidant but also prevent bio floc to grow. Bio floc is not recommended because of low retention time. Last tank is regarded as decanting area to sediment mineralized and oxidated solids.
Once decided the process, next step was to proceed to working phase adjusting the existing tank and installing the technologies.
Following a first working phase with very good depuration performances. A pump have been installed to recirculate sediment sludge of last tank. Solid sludge went through several oxidation stages to obtain e very efficient result. The required 50% depuration efficiency required have been obtained and overcome. A single control box operate the plant. The pumping station is independent and operated by a separate control box. For safety reasons a by pass manually controlled can operate all the plant in case of temporary maintenance.
Submersible aerators model Stormix are installed. The aeration and circulation action can easily reach the tanks 4 meters depth. The entire volume is well aerated and mixed. At the same time when cleaning the holding tanks of the winery, the foaming can drastically increase and come out from treatment tanks. Steel deflectors have been applied to avoid foam to come.
Pumping station Control box Installation of deflector during ordinary cleaning and maintenance. General view of the plant with main control box and ozone generator 3 gr/h