Mrs. Handlin & Mrs. Lobrano
Background: Graduated from Northshore High School Student taught here at Little Oak 3 years ago and am VERY EXCITED to be back! Taught in Jefferson Parish for 2 years Experienced in working with students of varying abilities including Special Education as well as those needing behavioral support. Credentials: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education; certified grades 1-8. Master of Art in Education/Teacher Leadership
I have a BA in education. I am National Board certified. I have been teaching 4 th grade for eight years now.
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Positive Be Safe School Wide Rewards for Excellence: Classes earn Oak Tree Dollars; the class with the most Oak Tree Dollars at the end of the month earns a class party. Students may be rewarded individually by receiving Golden Acorns. Students who uphold the expectations may also attend Friday Fun Night Students maintaining straight “A’s” on their report card are provided a special lunch for their achievement.
Follow Directions quickly and quietly Raise your hand for permission to speak Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat Make smart choices Make your dear teacher HAPPY!
We believe that communicating clear expectations and providing a highly structured classroom is imperative in supporting students in all aspects of their education and personal well being! Each morning your child is expected to: Come in and sit down quietly Take their planner out and copy the necessary information from the board Begin their morning work If a student is working ahead of the class early finisher activities may be retrieved from the turquois bin located on the shelves.
Mrs. Lobrano’s Homeroom: Monday: 10:40-11:15 Library Tuesday:10:40-11:15 PE Wednesday: 1:15-1:55 Music Thursday: 1:25-2:00 PE Friday: 9:05-9:45 Music
Mrs. Handlin’s Homeroom: Monday:12:50-1:25 Library Tuesday:10:15-11:15 PE Wednesday:1:15- 1:55 Music Thursday:1:25-2:00 PE Friday:9:05-9:45 Music
Mrs. Lobrano SubjectAssessmentsClasswork & Activities Homework Math 70% 20% 10% Science 60% 40% NA Social Studies 60% 40% NA *Students will not receive homework for Science or Social Studies outside of completing assignments not completed in class and studying for upcoming assessments.*
Mrs. Handlin SubjectAssessmentsClasswork & Activities Homework Language 80% 10% Reading 70% 30% NA Social Studies 60% 40% NA *Students will not receive homework for Reading or Social Studies outside of completing assignments not completed in class and studying for upcoming assessments.*
A B C D 0-66 F
Here at Little Oak we strive to focus on the great things our students are doing rather than emphasizing the areas needing refinement through reward which include: Verbal Praise Moving up their clip for a chance to be teacher for a day Class tickets redeemable for prize or privilege Golden Acorn Positive note/phone call home
Behaviors needing extra support and redirection through correction will be done in the following order: Verbal Warning and recognition of more positive behavior choices. Moving their clip down. * Students may move their clip back up if behavior is corrected* Signing of the behavior log. Teacher Behavior Report. * Following three behavior log entries in a one school week period.* -ANY MAJOR OFFENCE WILL BE HANDLED BY THE OFFICE-
Meeting the individual academic needs of our students is just as important to us as it is to you! Our instructional approaches are designed to allow each of our students the opportunity to reach their greatest potential. In doing so students will: Be provided differentiated activities based on learning style and skill level Utilize manipulatives (ex. Base ten blocks) Work in collaborative learning groups Participate in center activities Utilize technology (computer/promethean) Create and utilize interactive notebooks
Homework is sent home for Math NIGHTLY!
Students will be given at least one week notice prior to a test. Study guides are also sent home well ahead of time; we push for one week prior! We strive to schedule test to where students are not having to prepare for more than one assessment on the same day. Unfortunately this may occasionally require a Monday test date. (ex. Next Monday students have a math test on place value). Test dates are also shared on our website and sent home in the weekly news letter. Testing formats vary (ex. Water Cycle Assessment)
In order for us to provide you and your child a positive experience this year communication is essential! Methods of Communication: Teacher web Daily Planners Class Dojo Take-home folders Remind Text App
Each week between Friday and Monday afternoon you may access the weekly updates as well as upcoming events via Teacher Web. Teacher web can be accessed two way: 1.By clicking on the picture of you teacher located on the schools website ( 2.By entering, entering in the appropriate geographical information, selecting Little Oak Middle in the drop down followed by selecting “Mrs. Handlin”. For your convenience our Teacher Web sites have been linked.
Each day the students record our daily plans including homework into their planners. Important upcoming events such as tests are also recorded here. The information provided on teacher web is our weekly plan. Sometimes students need an extra day of instruction; the information in their planners is a day by day of how our week is progressing. Please check planners nightly with your child.
Take-home folders include graded work completed by the student the week prior. Please sign the folder each week. Items receiving a “D” or “F” must be signed and returned at your earliest convenience. Folders are sent home on Wednesday of each week unless otherwise stated. *This week they will go home on Thursday*
Remind is a way for us to communicate any changes, updates and reminders safely and efficiently. Our numbers are never exchanged. If interested in enrolling (its free) either visit or download the Remind app to you smartphone. The class codes for access is as follows: Or to (985)
Please send lunch money in an envelope with you child’s name, teacher’s name, and lunch number (student ID) or you may also pay online. Changes in transportation need to be in writing. Weekly update is sent home on Monday. Take-home folders go home on Wednesday unless otherwise specified. Please make sure your child is using his or her planner. Stay current and check your child’s grades online.
Communication Links: Instructional Support Links:
We are excited for this opportunity to meet you all! To ensure each family is given proper opportunity and time to introduce themselves please keep in mind: Questions regarding supplies, classroom policies, procedures and other general topics are welcomed and encouraged! If you would like to speak about your child specifically and any concerns you may have in reference to your child please take the opportunity to request a conference. There is a sheet located on the back desk if you wish to do so.