Checking for Understanding NUCC Elementary Summer Institute August 5-6, 2014 Presented by Suzanne Cottrell
Who is in the room?
Norms for our work together Equity of voice Quiet signal Minimize side conversations Cell phones set to stun Collaborate Cultivate Innovate Motivate Participate
Checking for Understanding Do you get it?
Checking for Understanding Why? Fosters good teaching Fosters metacognition Encourages looking for multiple representations of knowledge Deepens assessment Is aligned with best practice
Checking for Understanding Why? Formative assessment/checking for understanding should align with enduring understandings allow for differentiation focus on gap analysis improve instructional methods allow for students to monitor their own practice
Checking for Understanding How Often? At least once every 15 minutes Every two to three minutes when you become comfortable with it
Checking for Understanding For whom? Students checking for understanding can improve learning students become increasingly aware of how to monitor their own learning
Checking for Understanding For whom? Teachers checking for understanding can provide you with opportunities to correct misconceptions checking for understanding can improve instruction teachers become increasingly aware of how to monitor student learning, reteach when needed, move forward when students have gotten it
Checking for Understanding How? Oral questioning strategies Press for clarification and explanation: “could you describe what you mean?” Require justification of proposals and challenges: “where did you find that information?” Recognize and challenge misconceptions: “i don’t agree because…” Demand evidence for claims and arguments: “can you give me an example?” Interpret and use each other’s statements: “david suggested…”
Checking for Understanding How? Nonverbal cues from students Throwing hands in the air Boredom Puzzled looks Harried Confused
Checking for Understanding How? Think-Pair-Share Think Engage students with a question, prompt, reading, visual, or observation Students should take a few minutes—not seconds— to think Pair Use designated partners Compare thoughts and identify responses they think are best, most intriguing, most convincing, or most unique Share After students talk in pairs for a few moments, teacher asks pairs to share their thinking with the rest of the class
Checking for Understanding How? Use Bloom’s Taxonomy at all levels Knowledge Where is…, Who was…, Point to the…, When did… Comprehension Tell me in your own words…, Give me an example of…, Describe what… Application What would happen to you if…, How would you solve the problem…, In the library, find information about…
Checking for Understanding How? Use Bloom’s Taxonomy at all levels Analysis What other ways could…, What things are similar/different?, What things would you have used…, What kind of person is… Synthesis What would it be like if…, Design a…, Pretend you are a…, Tell/write a different ending… Evaluation Select the best…Why is it the best?, Why do you think that?, Would you recommend…Why or why not?
Checking for Understanding How? Other questions stems What are the characteristics/parts of _____? In what other ways might we show/illustrate _____? How does _____ relate to _____? What are you assuming about _____? What evidence supports _____? What approach/strategy could you use to _____?
Checking for Understanding How? Response Cards Hand Signals
Checking for Understanding How? Oral language To speak in highly effective ways requires practice and attention Teachers should stimulate thought in their students Who is doing the most talking?
Checking for Understanding How? Writing for learning Writing clarifies thinking—writing is thinking Writing to demonstrate learning Low stakes writing Summary writing Provides you with insight into how learners condense information The act of summarizing new knowledge in written form can lead to higher levels of understanding
Checking for Understanding Why Write? Low stakes and for all content areas Make assignments short and able to be completed and graded quickly Collect assignments but don’t grade them formally; if you comment, comment on content rather than sentence errors Don’t read and comment on everything
Checking for Understanding STOP! Questioning NO-NOs Any questions?, Did you all get that?, Everybody understand?, Does that make sense? What does the learner do when these types of questions are asked? Students aren’t always self-regulated learners—they may not be aware of what they do or do not understand—they may think they get it when they really don’t
Checking for Understanding STOP! Initiate-Respond-Evaluate the teacher asks a question specific students are called on to answer the question the teacher evaluates the response
Checking for Understanding STOP! Using writing as a classroom management strategy think Bart Simpson writing on the chalkboard When a teacher asks a student to write an explanation about why he/she was late or why homework was not completed, writing is neither fun nor does it require thinking
Checking for Understanding How can I get my team on board? PLCs or data team meetings Pacing guides and curriculum maps Common assessments Reteaching and intervention groups
Checking for Understanding What have I learned? Think-Write-Pair-Share 1.Two benefits for me—the teacher 2.Two benefits for students—the learners 3.What about metacognition? 4.How will my practice change? 5.How does checking for understanding help us link instruction and assessment in meaningful ways?