Eczema By Ondine Legris
What is Eczema? Eczema is actually a group of medical conditions which cause inflammation and irritation to the skin. It varies in severity from mild to extreme, and in certain cases, the effects can become deadly. The most common form is called atopic eczema, which presents a rash and is often located on the head and scalp, neck, inside of elbows, behind knees, and buttocks. This branch of eczema is common in developing countries, and the occurrence of it is rising. While it is a rare side effect, eczema vaccinatum can be deadly, and, in a later slide, you will see just how terrible it can become.
Eczema’s Not My Problem. WRONG. Around ten percent of children under the age of five develop eczema. In Great Britain alone, about one in nine people have been diagnosed with eczema at least once in their life. In the United States, atopic eczema alone affects 9 to 30 percent of the population. Meaning that, if you personally do not get eczema, there is a high chance that someone in your family will; be it your sister, your son, your aunt – eczema, while it affects mainly children, does not discriminate based on age, race, or gender.
Anyone can be diagnosed with eczema Anyone can be diagnosed with eczema. Because of the many different strains contained within this diagnosis, an eczema disease can vary significantly based on the age and genetic predisposition of the person who catches it. There is no surefire cure for this branch of dermatitis, but through the use of corticosteroids, it can be controlled and suppressed. The best option for those who have eczema is to take medication, keep the skin moisturized, and avoid the allergens and triggers which cause their flare-ups.
Just how bad can it get? Eczema, in certain cases, can present with a side effect by the name of eczema vacinnatum. Symptoms of this strain include a pustular rash, the abdominal filling with fluid, and even the failing of necessary internal organs. Needless to say, if treatment is not administered promptly, this can very well be fatal to the infected. While up to 10 to 20 percent of the world’s population will develop atopic dermatitis, this branch is much more rare, and usually presents in only special cases. There have been cases in which people vaccinated for smallpox have caught this strain, because the smallpox vaccine contains live vaccinia virus.
The exact cause of eczema is unknown The exact cause of eczema is unknown. But there are many factors which have been shown to trigger it: Soaps Cosmetics Clothing Detergents Jewelry Sweat Environmental Allergens (which also cause allergic reactions) Changes in temperature and humidity Psychological Stress
Locations and Symptoms While most strains of eczema have their own specific symptoms, there are a few which are standard to all branches of the condition. The most common, tell-tale sign of eczema is the patches of chronically itchy, dried-out skin in various areas of the body. The most common areas include the hands, neck, face, and legs, but in children, the inner creases of the knees and elbows are also areas which can become prone to the inflammation. Should they be scratched, these sores can also become crusted. Why?
General Information People who are prone to inflammations, or have a family history of hay fever, asthma, and or other allergies are more likely to catch a strain of eczema. Atopic conditions are conditions that occur when someone is overly sensitive to allergens in their environment, such as pollens, dust, molds, animal dander, and certain foods.
Does it ever go away? In some cases, it has been found that eczema goes into complete remission, while in other cases, it has plagued its victims throughout their adolescence and even into their adult life. The first signs of eczema usually appear before the age of five to six, and may improve before adolescence and re-emerge during puberty, when hormones, stress, and cosmetics are introduced to the skin. Eczema is not contagious, however.