1 State Issues Update Fall 2006 Grove Park Inn Asheville, North Carolina Steven E. Brooks Executive Director North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority
2 North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship Contains need based scholarship program expected to be valued at $42 million for Places a foundation, combined with Pell Grant, of at least $2,300 under all students in UNC campuses, Community College Campuses, and Independent College Campuses where students currently receive state aid Operation very similar to Community College Grant – a “reverse payment schedule” Intent is to hold recipients of other programs harmless – that is, to add aid, not replace other aid
3 North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship Examples with $2,300 foundation: If Pell is > $2,300, foundation grant is zero If Pell is $2,000, foundation grant is $300 If Pell is $400, foundation grant is $1900 If no Pell but EFC < 5,001, grant is $2,300 So, every eligible student whose family can afford $5,000 or less will get grants of at least $2,300 (from Pell, from state lottery, or in combination of the two)
4 North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship - Interaction with Other State Aid Programs –UNC Need Based Grant – no impact – considered separately according to each program’s eligibility formula –State Contractual Scholarship Fund – no impact except may permit campuses to target these funds to needier students –Community College Grant – modified payment schedule – (TENTATIVE) effective combination foundation of $3,200! ELS plus CC plus Pell Increase number of recipients by about 30% (4,000 more recipients statewide predicted)
Detail of Interaction with Community College Grant, DRAFT Effective Foundation $3,200 DRAFT
6 Packaging Considerations for All Participating Campuses This new foundation award may cause you to re- think how you target discretionary aid on your campuses, particularly toward those students whose Pell Grants are greater than the foundation amount. These students clearly need help and campus resources should properly be targeted toward them to the extent they are available. You may want to do some simulations this fall as you prepare for the spring awarding season. Identify ELS eligible students and see how their packages could change.
7 North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship Regulations have been approved by SEAA Board of Directors Program Participation Agreement will be sent to statutorily eligible campuses shortly –These are to be signed by campus official prior to any disbursement of money
8 North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship: CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBLITY includes Needy Student as defined in regulations (Federal EFC < 5,001) North Carolina resident for tuition purposes Admitted, enrolled and classified as an undergraduate student in matriculated status in a degree, certificate or diploma program Same ISIR transaction used to disburse any federal aid Meets all Pell eligibility requirements except EFC up to $5,000 including Selective Service, Satisfactory Academic Progress, and non-default/no repayment, for example “Four full academic years” limit on receipt – 8 semesters or equivalent; we plan to track centrally Compliance with SEAA Regulations and State Statute
9 CFI Training in November/December on ELS and Other Grant Programs Web based training by sector Regional training in person Schedule available at CFI booth in vendor area Grant System Training with special emphasis on Education Lottery Scholarship
10 North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship: Questions regarding ELS Program?????
11 Financial Aid Estimator Coming in January to CFNC Use FAFSA data or enter financial information Estimates, by campus: –UNC Grant, CC Grant, ELS Grant, NCLTG –Federal Pell Grant and ACG –Provides information about costs and other aid Designed to help students plan and to understand aid opportunities Satisfies legislative concerns
12 DRAFT Dummy Data
Expansion Addition of Vanguard Funds Simplification of College Horizons options Now offer age-based and stand alone investments under both managed and indexed plans New! North Carolina has a state income tax deduction for contributions New! Federal tax-exempt earnings no longer expires in 2010
14 North Carolina’s 529 Plan Visit at
15 CFNC Update
Million student accounts 530,000+ online applications submitted CFNC Website 7,000 visitors per day
17 Acquisition of a perpetual statewide license for Bridges career planning products ( the leading provider of online career exploration services. CFNC now offers these career resources, at no cost, to every K-12 school (public and private) and every institution of higher education in the state. Announcing…..Bridges!!!
18 Announcing…..Bridges!!! With the addition of Bridges career planning tools, CFNC has greatly expanded its free online career services for website users from elementary school students to adults. CFNC and Bridges are working toward a fully integrated site to eliminate overlap, harmonize content, and establish a single sign-on procedure. Training and access to the Bridges products will be coordinated through CFNC in the upcoming months.
19 FAFSA Day Saturday, February 17, 2007 51 locations across North Carolina Public Service Announcement to be shown on television across the state to publicize the event Registration for the event will be on CFNC.org Last year – 42 sites, 2,700 students/families, 450 volunteers! THANKS FOR YOUR HELP IN MAKING THIS A SUCCESS FOR NORTH CAROLINA STUDENTS AND FAMILIES
20 Questions and Comments