Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday Vocabulary & Phonics
Rules “Thumbs Up” – I know what this word means, and I can use it in a sentence. “Thumbs Out” – I’ve heard this word, but I don’t know what it means. “Thumbs Down” – I don’t know this word.
Practice allowance I know it. I’ve heard it. I don’t know it.
Great Job! Now, it’s time to begin!
college I know it. I’ve heard it. I don’t know it.
college A school of higher learning I went to college to continue learning after I graduated from high school.
dimes I know it. I’ve heard it. I don’t know it.
dimes Coins worth ten cents. I used dimes to pay for the candy.
downtown I know it. I’ve heard it. I don’t know it.
downtown The main part or business part of a town or city. My father works at a business downtown.
fined I know it. I’ve heard it. I don’t know it.
fined Made someone pay money as punishment for breaking a law. The policeman fined the woman for not wearing her seatbelt while driving.
nickels I know it. I’ve heard it. I don’t know it.
nickels Coins that are worth five cents. The boy paid for the toy with five nickels.
quarters I know it. I’ve heard it. I don’t know it.
quarters Coins that are worth twenty-five cents. I traded four quarters for one dollar. Did I make a good trade?
rich I know it. I’ve heard it. I don’t know it.
rich Having a great deal of money. When my grandfather won the lottery, he was very rich.
Phonics RRemember that in Phonics, we look at the consonants and vowels in a word. We also talk about syllables. Syllables are the different parts of a word.
Base Words and Endings A base word is a word that has no extra parts added to it. For example, swim is a base word. We can add endings, or suffixes, to a base word to help it make sense in a sentence. He went swim in the pool. This doesn’t make sense, so we add the suffix, -ing, to make it sound right. He went swimming in the pool.
Look at the endings: -ed, -ing, -er, and -est. Some base words change when we add these endings to them. swimming The final consanant was doubled before adding –ing. How did swimming change? How is save changed before adding –ed? saved The final e is dropped before adding –ed.
Practice How do you spell the new word once the suffix is added? hot + -est decide + -ed lucky + -er begin + -ing worry + -er hottest – add t decided – drop e luckier – change y to i beginning – add n worrier – change y to i