$70,142,119 Total Reductions
Reduced by $32.54 million ◦ 190 Unfilled district positions ◦ Contingency Fund eliminated ◦ Departmental Capital Equipment budgets eliminated ◦ Vehicle Replacements eliminated ◦ Dept budgets reduced
Reduced by $9.8 million ◦ 4 Days/10 Hours Work Week ◦ Middle & High School Scheduling Model ◦ Reduced most dept budgets by 10% ◦ Reduce Athletic contests to FHSAA minimum ◦ Consolidated 4 ESE County wide programs into 1 School ◦ Property Insurance Coverage ◦ Charge actual costs for all field trips
January 2009 Reduction of $17.29 million ◦ Eliminate All Staffing Reserves ◦ Discontinue Early Retirement Program ◦ Reduce 08/09 Contingency Funds ◦ Reduce FTE Shortfall Reserve ◦ Reduce School Lottery Funding to $5/student
Fiscal Year ◦ DOE projects 2% additional reduction by June 30 th which equals $12.6 million Fiscal Year ◦ DOE instructs to develop budget with 15% reduction in State & Local Revenues $92.9 million Anticipating 8% to 10% loss in Assessed Property Valuation = $2.9 Billion Total Reductions since July 2007 $ million
1% Salary Reduction = $5 million 1 Day of work for all staff = $2.179 million Career Academies Reducing School support services ◦ Professional Development ◦ Curriculum ◦ Maintenance Class Size – move to school average Loss in funding for 09/10 = 1,730 positions Reducing or Eliminating Programs