Welcome to RSM and Your 1st Assembly!


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to RSM and Your 1st Assembly! Assembly rules: Walk quietly into Theater Go down 1st empty row, don’t leave any empty seats (No waiting for friends) Put backpacks under seats Leave desktops down Give full attention to speaker(s): No talking No fiddling with objects, no eating, drinking, etc. Eyes up front

We are the ROADRUNNERS! Roadrunners are: Respectful Responsible Ready Welcome to RSM We are the ROADRUNNERS! Roadrunners are: Respectful Responsible Ready

That’s Me! Raise your hand if… You enjoy school. You were ABCOS last year. (ALL A/B/C’S and O’s and S’s) You’ve never been tardy to school or class. You’ve never had a detention. You never had to go see the Assistant Principal. You participate in sports, band, theater, Scouts, or other activities. You’ve ever received an award in school. You have seen someone be bullied. You have been bullied. You have stood up for someone who was being bullied.

This is your school and being a student is your job! We want you to enjoy your two years at RSM! We want you to have good experiences at RSM! We want you to learn new things, to grow not just physically, but mentally, socially, and emotionally. We want you to be the very best student and citizen that you can be!

Mr. Bajorek and Mr. Elkins Our job is….. To Keep You Safe To help you be successful

FIRE AND LOCKDOWN SITUATIONS DURING PASSING/SNACK/LUNCH Fire/Earthquake/Disaster: When it is safe to do so, all students will quickly and calmly head to the football field and report to their homeroom teacher. Lockdown/Lockout: All students will IMMEDIATELY head into the NEAREST door and remain absolutely quiet in the locked area until the all-clear is given.

Whistle Drill Reminder?? PLEASE REMEMBER: For urgent safety issues, RSM administrators/staff may blow whistles during outdoor activities and/or passing periods. If the whistles are blown, ALL students will immediately stop and sit where they are until further instructions are given. Any failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.

Our Daily Focus: The 3Rs Respect: We want to ensure your safety to, from and at school Treat everyone with courtesy and kindness Follow all staff directions Keep hands to yourself TREAT OTHERS LIKE YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TREATED. Responsibility: We want to ensure your well-being at school Be accountable for your actions Write down your assignments in your planner every day Leave GUM at home Readiness: We want you to grow as an individual Be prepared to learn Carry your ID card with you at all times

We want you to have Integrity Integrity: soundness of moral character; honesty “Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.” What this looks like at RSM: Use appropriate language at all times Have a positive attitude and tone of voice Be courteous and respectful of others- DO NOT TEASE! Follow the “hands off” policy Plagiarizing or cheating is against the school rules

To be successful at RSM School-Wide Expectations Everyone Should Be: Respectful Responsible Ready Have Integrity

Attendance Attending school regularly is tied to good grades! If you are absent, have your parent call the school Attendance Line. If they don’t call you must bring a note the next day. You are TRUANT—If you leave class without permission….. If you leave the PE area or a classroom to get a drink of water or use the restroom without permission….. You will be assigned after school detention for a class truancy or Saturday School if you leave campus. You may not leave campus even before Homeroom; once you arrive, you must stay on campus. A parent needs to sign you out in the front office before you are allowed to leave campus. If you feel ill, come to the health office to call parent. Never call from your cell phone.

Tardies Be on Time to school and all classes **If you are late to homeroom you MUST report to the office, or have a parent sign you in. **If your parent will excuse your tardy because it was not your fault, then bring a note signed by parent

Problem Behaviors Defiance Class Disruption Cell Phone Misuse Tardies GUM No Shows to Detention Unsafe Behavior

Dress Code Make sure your clothes are appropriate No underwear garments showing at any time Girls – appropriate length of attire Inappropriate pictures or words on clothing are not allowed No bare midriff or spaghetti strap or halter tops See Dress Code for complete listing. Make sure you know the rules. You are RESPONSIBLE for them. You will be required to change into Loaner clothes if you are not dressed appropriately and will get Detention to Home Suspension for repeated infractions.

Items to leave at home…. Skateboards Cameras “IPods” Laser pens Playing cards, toys, or anything not needed for classes USE YOUR COMMON SENSE!! Items will be confiscated and returned to parent and consequences will be assigned. Over the counter medications MUST be approved and stored in the Health Office!

What about cell phones and IPods What about cell phones and IPods? Bell to Bell, No Cell Cell Phones IF you bring a cell phone to school, it MUST be turned OFF during school hours. If you have an emergency, you must use the phone in the office to contact your parents. IPods If you bring an IPod or other music device, it MUST be in your backpack during school hours UNLESS instructed by a teacher to use it for a class assignment. The school is NOT responsible for the loss of any electronic items! Cells are allowed for emergency purposes under a 2002 state law. Cell phones are NOT allowed for listening to music, playing games, taking photos, or calling or texting anyone during school hours. Turn off at 8:10 and keep off till 2:55 277 cell phone violations last year! Be responsible and respectful of this rule.

HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY Ethics Policy Be aware of our Ethics Policy (spelled out in your student planner on page 14.) There are severe consequences for copying homework, cheating, talking during a test, plagiarizing, etc. Those who cheat & those who give answers to cheaters will also be penalized HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY

Lunch Time Behavior What to know about lunch time: Treat others with respect Stay within the Red Lines Be courteous in line; Don’t cut in line. NO ONE WILL STARVE Use your own money! NO MOOCHING Throw away your trash—keep your area clean! RECYCLE whenever possible Respect personal and school property Share tables--you don’t own them! No running, pushing, or unsafe behavior. Monitor your backpacks at all times - DO NOT LEAVE THEM UNATTENDED AT ANY TIME!

Horseplay, Rough housing Many fights start from this behavior Respect - respect others and keep your hands to yourself Responsible - be responsible and control your behavior & don’t play rough Ready - be ready to apologize if someone is offended. Be a peacemaker.

Harassment/Bullying Video: Teasing and Taunting It is against school, state, and federal rules and law to harass someone “We’re friends” – that’s not how friends treat each other Stand up for others and tell an adult– we can stop harassment together Video: Words hurt Think before you speak, act, text, or post anything If it will make the other person feel uncomfortable, DON’T SAY OR DO IT! NEVER threaten anyone-anything and everything you say will be taken seriously!

Progressive Discipline THE FOLLOWING ARE CONSEQUENCES: Warning/Conference with teacher Parent contact (Phone call/face to face) School Service (LUNCHTIME) Detentions Saturday School Intervention Class Home Suspension Expulsion

SUSPENDABLE/EXPELLABLE OFFENSES Fighting (2 days home and 1 day Intervention class) Possession/use/selling of drugs or alcohol Tobacco use or possession Drug paraphernalia (matches & lighters) Vandalism (Graffiti, destroying school or others’ property) Stealing or knowingly possessing stolen property Weapons Obscene act or habitual profanity *Loss of next dance if assigned Saturday School, Intervention Class, or Home Suspension

Other Things to Know Emergency Drills – Fire, earthquake, lock-down & whistle Backpack line up on courts Carry your ID card with you at all times Use your Planner daily at school & at home No open displays of affection Balloons, flowers, or gifts should not be given at school Individuals selling candy or any item on school grounds is prohibited Walk your bikes on campus & wear a helmet. Don’t forget to lock bikes. Lost & Found is in the Library Follow all rules in Planner Follow directions of all adults on campus: teachers, secretaries, custodians, campus supervisors, parent volunteers, counselors, administrators, etc. Be RESPONSIBLE, RESPECTFUL & READY and have Integrity in all you do.

Bus Etiquette and Field Trips Follow the bus driver’s instructions Always stay in your seat Do not eat on the bus Display appropriate behavior Always have your bus pass with you Bus riding is a privilege and NOT A RIGHT. Don’t lose the privilege with poor behavior. Always ride assigned bus and get off at assigned stop. NO Exceptions. Buses load and unload in the parking lot—line up in assigned route lines.

Rewards & Fun Activities at RSM Roadrunner Pride Awards - “Caught in the Act” coupons Student of the Tri Luncheons 8th grade Awards Night Fun-a-ramas Dances Talent Show, RSM Idol, Theatrical Plays After school sports through Parks & Rec Ironman PAL, ASB

REMEMBER - to have a great year: Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Ready Have Integrity in all you do Always do your best, and treat others the way you want to be treated.

We are here to help! Dr. Jameson – Principal Mr. Elkins - 7th grade Assistant Principal Mr. Bajorek – 8th grade Assistant Principal Mrs. Bills, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Rex – Guidance Department School Psychologist – Mr. Tatum Intervention Teacher – Mrs. Neuman Plant Foreman: Mr. Aguirre (Joe) Campus Supervisors – Philip and Maria