Chapter 6 Jeopardy
Definitions 6.5 & Definitions 6.6 & Focus Ons
Question What is the cell theory? (Andrew)
Answer 1 – Cells, or products made by cells, are the units of structure and function in organisms. 2. All cells come from preexisting cells.
Question What was helped in the study of cells? (Andrew)
Answer 1 – 20 Progress depended on the technology of improved microscopes, better techniques to prepare cells for observation, and studies of cell function.
Question Name the characteristics of Prokaryotes and give examples of them. (Andrew)
Answer 1 – 30 Bacteria that are the simplest living cells. Common in soil, air, water, and humans or other organisms. They are usually unicellular. They have… Membrane-enclosed organelles, including nucleus. Multiple linear chromosomes Cell division by mitosis Complex flagella Large ribosomes Cytoskeleton Cellulose in cell walls DNA wrapped around proteins
Question Name the characteristics of Eukaryotes and give examples of them. (Andrew)
Answer 1 – 40 Eukaryotes are larger and more complex than prokaryotes. They form multicellular organisms like animals, plants, and fungi. Their cells have many parts each with a specific function; letting them develop into hundreds types that make up leaves, muscles, and other organs. They have… No membrane-enclosed organelles Single circular chromosome No streaming in the cytoplasm Cell division without mitosis Simple flagella Small ribosomes No known cytoskeleton No cellulose in cell walls Proteins bound to DNA
Question What are the structures and functions of a prokaryotic cell? (Andrew)
Answer 1 – 50 Most have a rigid cell wall made of lipids, carbohydrates, and protein, but no cellulose. Inside the cell a plasma membrane encloses the cell. They usually have one chromosome mad of a continuous, circular molecule of double-stranded DNA. The plasma membrane and chromosome are attached in the nuclear region of the cell, or the nucleoid. It may contain smaller circular molecules called plasmids. Some have flagella made of protein that move like propellers helping the cell to swim through water or body fluids of a cell. Some reactions that prokaryotes form provide other organisms with free energy or fixed carbon and nitrogen. These reactions also recycle nutrients that would normally be wasted. These functions make prokaryotes essential in their ecosystems.
Question Describe the cell wall and its functions. Identify which letter it is in the drawing. (Andrew)
Answer 2 – 10 The cell wall is E on the diagram. It is a outer layer on plant cells and its functions are to protect the insides of the cell and to not expand or break in hypertonic solutions.
Question Describe the nucleolus and its functions. (Andrew)
Answer 2 – 20 The nucleolus is D on the diagram. The nucleoli are small bodies composed of proteins and RNA. They are the sites in the nucleus where protein making machinery are made. Nucleolus Nucleus
Question Describe the plasma membrane and its functions. (Andrew)
Answer 2 – 30 The plasma membrane is F on the diagram. The plasma membrane is a lipid bilayer made of proteins and lipids. It controls everything that comes in and out of the cell. Animal cell Plant cell Plasma membrane
Question Describe the nucleus and its functions. (Andrew) A B C D E F
Answer 2 – 40 It is B in the diagram. The nucleus is the control center of the cell containing the genetic material in the form of DNA which is organized into chromosomes. Animal cell Plant cell Nucleus
Question Describe the cytoskeleton and its functions. (Andrew) A B C D
Answer 2 – 50 The cytoskeleton is D in the diagram. The cytoskeleton is made of hollow microtubule, solid but flexible strands called microfilaments. It may hold organelles in place or moves them around. Animal cell Plant cell Cytoskeleton
Question Describe the lysosome and its functions. (Andrew) Animal cell A B C D
Answer 3 – 10 They are B in the diagram. Lysosomes are special vesicles that contain enzymes that break down old macromolecules for recycling. Animal cell Lysosome
Question Describe the mitochondria and its functions. (Brooke)
Answer 3 – 20 Mitochondria: (E in diagram) Organelles in which the Krebs Cycle and the Electron Transport System occur. They are the powerhouses of the cell because they are the sites where most ATP is synthesized. Animal cell Plant cell Mitochondrion
Question Describe the endoplasmic reticulum and its functions. (Brooke) A B C D
Answer 3 – 30 Endoplasmic Reticulum: (A in diagram) System of membranes that form tubes and channels throughout the cytoplasm. Connects many of the organelles in the cell. Carries other substances to places in the cell where they are needed. Animal cell Plant cell ER
Question Describe the Golgi apparatus and its functions. (Brooke) A B C D
Answer 3 – 40 Golgi Apparatus: (B in diagram) Organelle in eukaryotic cells consisting of stacked membranes that modify and package materials in vesicles for export from the cell. Animal cell Plant cell Golgi apparatus
Question Describe the cytosol and its functions.(Brooke) A B C D
Answer 3 – 50 Cytosol: (B in diagram) A gelatin like portion of the cytoplasm that bathes the organelles of the cell. Animal cell Plant cell Cytosol
Question Describe the vacuole and its functions. (Brooke) A B C D
Answer 4 – 10 Vacuole: (D in diagram) A membrane enclosed structure in the cytoplasm of a cell. They store food and nutrients needed for the cell to survive. Plant cell Vacuole
Question Describe the vesicles and their functions. (Brooke) A B C D
Answer 4 – 20 Vesicles: (B in diagram) A small intracellular membrane enclosed sac that stores or transports substances. Animal cell Plant cell Vesicles
Question Describe the ribosomes and their functions. (Brooke)
Answer 4 – 30 Ribosomes: Small bodies in the cytoplasm of both eukaryotes and prokaryotes composed of RNA and protein. Catalyze the synthesis of a cell’s proteins.
Question Describe the centrioles and their functions. (Brooke) Animal cell A B C D
Answer 4 – 40 Centrioles: (B in diagram) Structure in animal cells and some others composed of cylinders of nine triplet microtubules in a ring. Helps organize microtubule assembly during cell division. Animal cell Centrioles
Question What are examples of ways that organisms live together? (Brooke)
Answer 4 – 50 One celled organisms divide new cells may remain together in a cluster. Unicellular microorganisms live in groups called colonies-usually related. Bacteria may attach to solid objects to form colonies called biofilm-unrelated that require similar environments.
Question What are the levels of organization? (Brooke)
Answer 5 – 10 Cells form tissues. Then, tissues are organized into organs. Organs create into systems of organs. Systems of organs then are incorporated into organisms.
Question (Extra credit)( P.178) What are junctions and what type of cells are they located in?
Answer 5 – 20 Some hold cells together and others provide channels for communication between cells. They are located in animal cells.
Question What gives eukaryotic cells their shapes and ability to carry out coordinated and directed movements? (Brooke)
Answer 5 – 30 The cytoskeleton
Question Why are biofilms important? (Brooke)
Answer 5 – 40 They help stabilize the colonies of helpful microorganisms that live on the internal and external surfaces of our bodies.
Question What do biofilms consist of? (Andrew)
Answer 5 – 50 Bacterial colonies with different bacteria that require a similar environment.