Mitosis Mitosis Cell cycle Grab Bag! 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 FINAL JEOPARDY!
The second phase of mitosis. What is Metaphase? The second phase of mitosis. Prophase & Metaphase 100 points
What is Prophase? In this phase, the nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear. Spindle fibers begin to form. Prophase & Metaphase 200 points
What is Metaphase? During this phase, chromosomes line up in the center of the cell and spindle fibers attach to the centromeres. Prophase & Metaphase 300 points
These become visible for the first time during Prophase. What are chromosomes? These become visible for the first time during Prophase. Prophase & Metaphase 400 points
These hold identical chromatids together. What are centromeres? These hold identical chromatids together. Prophase & Metaphase 500 points
The final phase of mitosis. What is Telophase? The final phase of mitosis. Anaphase & Telophase 100 points
In this phase, a new nuclear envelope appears. What is Telophase? In this phase, a new nuclear envelope appears. Anaphase & Telophase 200 points
What is Anaphase? In this phase, each of the replicated chromosomes moves to opposite ends of the cell. Anaphase & Telophase 300 points
What are chromosomes? During Telophase,these uncoil and begin to lose their rod-like appearance. Anaphase & Telophase 400 points
What is cytokinesis? This splits cytoplasm. Anaphase & Telophase 500 points
What is the G1 portion of Interphase? This phase occupies the greatest portion of time in the cell cycle. Cell Division 100 points
During this phase the cell makes a copy of its DNA. What is S Phase? During this phase the cell makes a copy of its DNA. Cell Division 200 points
Daily Double!
What is G1 S G2 M Cytokinesis? The correct order of the cell cycle (Not mitosis). (should include 5 phases). Daily Double! Cell Division 300 points
This is when the nucleus splits. What is mitosis? This is when the nucleus splits. Cell Division 400 points
What are daughter cells? After a cell divides it has exactly ______________ chromosomes as its original cell. Cell Division 500 points
What is a histone with DNA wrapped around it What two things does a nucleosome include ? Cell Cycle 100 points
Daily Double!
Daily Double! What is cancer? When the cell cycle is no longer slowed down by its normal checkpoints it is known as. Daily Double! Cell Cycle 200 points
When cancer spreads through out the body. What is malignant? When cancer spreads through out the body. Cell Cycle 300 points
What is the spindle (microtubules)? This is what pulls sister chromatids apart. Cell Cycle 400 points
What is G2? The phase that cells check to make sure their DNA was perfectly copied in. Cell Cycle 500 points
This describes the relationship between the photosynthesis and respiration equations. QUESTION: What is “opposite” or “complimentary” or “reverse”? FINAL JEOPARDY!
Credits http://www.nclark.net/MitosisMeiosis