Tybee Island Police Department By FTO Bertram Whitley
- Never ride against traffic flow. Bicyclists must stay to the right side of the roadway, unless they are turning left or avoiding a roadside hazard. - Signal to other road users. Use hand signals to indicate your intentions to turn or stop. - Pull entirely off of the roadway if you need to stop. - Be visible. Wear bright colors so that you can be seen. Orange, yellow, fluorescent green. - Use of lights and reflectors. White light on the front of the bicycle and either a red reflector or light on the rear - Use of a mirror. Rear view mirrors can be extremely helpful and can help you monitor traffic approaching from behind.
- Be prepared to stop if your approaching a yellow light. Your bicycle moves slower than regular vehicle traffic, you will not have time to clear traffic before the traffic control device changes. - Use extreme caution when approaching driveways. Drivers backing from driveways typically are looking for oncoming vehicle traffic and rarely see oncoming foot or bicycle traffic - Use extra caution when operating near larger trucks and buses. These vehicles have large “blind spots” and can also take longer to stop - Ride in a predictable manner. Avoid sudden movements when operating your bicycle and never weave in and out of traffic.
Children under the age of 16 must be equipped with a helmet. The helmet must meet or exceed the standards of the American National Standards Institute or the Snell Memorial Foundation. Any parent or guardian that knowingly permits a child to operate without a helmet can be found guilty of a misdemeanor. No bicycle may be equipped or operated with handlebars that raise the operators hands above the shoulders Every bicycle sold or operated must be equipped with brakes that allow the braked wheels to skid on a dry, level surface No bicycle shall be equipped, modified, or altered in such a way as to cause the pedal in its lowermost position to be more than 12 inches above the ground
Every bicycle when used at night must be equipped with a white light on the front visible from a distance of 300 feet and either a red reflector or red light on the rear visible from a distance of 300 feet Pedals must be equipped with reflectors on the front and rear and be approved by the Department of Public Safety. Pedals must be visible during darkness from a distance of 200 feet
By following Georgia traffic laws and taking a few extra precautions, risks are reduced significantly Be visible to motorists Use hand signals to show your intent to turn, make eye contact at intersections Wave and smile when a motorist lets you through
Always set a good example for children. Wear a helmet, stop at traffic control devices and stop signs. Ride responsibly. Insist that kids wear helmets at all times. It is the law after all When riding with children, be sure to point out safety hazards and encourage them to follow the rules of the road Questions?