Second Conditional Friday, September 23rd
USES We use the second conditional to talk about something untrue in the present or unlikely to happen in the future. It is also used to give advice.
Structure IF + PAST SIMPLE+, + SUBJECT + WOULD + REST COULD MIGHT IF + PAST SIMPLE+, + SUBJECT + WOULD + REST COULD MIGHT Example: If I were you, I would study every day.
Structure SUBJECT + WOULD + REST + IF + PAST SIMPLE COULD MIGHT SUBJECT + WOULD + REST + IF + PAST SIMPLE COULD MIGHT Example: I would study every day If I were you.
E x a m p l e s : If I were you, I’d learn to ski.
E x a m p l e s : If I were you, I’d learn to ski.
E x a m p l e s : I would call him if I knew his number.
E x a m p l e s : If I won the lottery, I would buy a sports car.
EXERCISES Give advice in the following situations: I have a headache. If I were you... My friend is telling lies about me. If I were you... I want to have more friends. If I were you...