By Levi Sabers And Joey Tuttle
Made of cells Some types of cells are the nucleus and the nucleolus. Here Is what I will tell to you about them. The Nucleus is the boss of the cell because it is in charge of the DNA and stuff like that important stuff. The Nucleolus is inside of the Nucleus. The Nucleolus is in charge of the ribosomes which move out of the Nucleus and into it’s own position.
Obtain and use energy and nutrients The Siberian Tiger preys on mostly red deer and wild boar. The Tiger can eat up to 40 pounds of meat at a time, but then they will not eat for a couple of days. Once they kill they’re prey they will gorge themselves while it is still fresh.
Grow and develop The Siberian Tiger will only live up to 10 to 15 years in the wild. They only get to 2 or 3 years old before they are on they’re own. The mother is the only one to take care of the cubs while the father goes and hunts for food. They learn by watching they’re mother and sometimes father stalk and ambush they’re food.