NSAP-MIS to enable Direct Pension/Benefit Transfer
Index Brief on DBT Completion of beneficiary data CPSMS Agency detail updation in NSAP-MIS Generation of pension payment file from NSAP-MIS and uploading to CPSMS
Completion of beneficiary data - Completion of beneficiary data wrt Name, Father’s name, age, category, BPL details, IFSC code, Bank A/c - Linking of pensioner A/c with Pension Disbursing Agency(PDA) in NSAP-MIS - Regular Marking Death, Migration and transferred cases to keep database up to date -
States MIS & NSAP-MIS & Payment Modes States MIS & NSAP-MIS & Payment Modes OWN MISStatusNSAP MISStatus 1ANDHRA PRADESH CPSMS integration in progress 1BIHAR Cash Model 2CHANDIGARH Disbursing using UID 2DAMAN & DIU 3DELHI3GOA Data updated 4HARYANA Cash Model 4GUJARAT Updation in progress 5HIMACHAL PRADESH5MAHARASHTRA Updation in progress 6KARNATAKA6LAKSHADWEEP 7KERALA CPSMS integration in progress 7ODISHA Cash Model 8MADHYA PRADESH8PONDICHERRY 9RAJASTHAN9PUNJAB Updation in progress 10TAMIL NADU10SIKKIM Updation in progress 11UTTAR PRADESH Going to use NSAP from Oct 11TRIPURA Data is to be provided 12WEST BENGAL Urban department (SUDA) to use NSAP-MIS 12CHHATTISGARH Updation in progress 13UTTRAKHAND13JHARKHAND Data updation going on, To disburse from 25th July
National Social Assistance Programme(NSAP)
System Flow: Proposed System Flow for NSAP - DBT Bank/PO Payment CPSMS/ State) Sanction Pension Scroll will be generated from NSAP and transmitted to CPSMS Verificati on Identificati on of Beneficiary Sanctioning of the Application by the Sanctioning authority Sanction Order Issued and Pension Pay Order generated Verification of the application by Verifier Citizen Sanction and payment process States to Endorse, Digitally Sign Acceptance of application Citizen will Apply for Pension Under NSAP Scheme- Specific Details like Name, Age, Income, Disability, Widow, BPL Response to NSAP MIS Credit Amount to Beneficiary Account(s)
CPSMS Agency Detail updation in NSAP-MIS
Citizen/Application Entry
Verification Authority
Sanctioning Authority
Generation of pension payment file from NSAP-MIS and uploading to CPSMS
Pension computation/Freeze