MAGIC Presentation Gabrielle Allen, NSF / Richard Carlson, DOE MAGIC CoChairs September 13, 2011 Large Scale Networking (LSN) FY12 Annual Planning Meeting
14 September 2010 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Slide 2 Monthly meetings to exchange information Participating Agencies: DOE, NSF, EPA, NARA, NIH, NASA Science Cloud workshops High Performance Applications of Cloud and Grid Tools – Increase uptake of software/middelware tools used for scientific cloud computing Science Agency use of Clouds and Grids – Obtain community input on standards efforts for scientific cloud computing MAGIC Forums and Workshops Please supply relevant URLs
14 September 2010 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Slide 3 Status of MAGIC Tasking for Prior Year Tasking Track developments in Cloud Computing for science and foster discussions on Identity Management needs for U.S. science communities Response MAGIC received10 briefings from researchers at the monthly MAGIC meetings in the areas of Grid Computing, Cloud Computing, and Identify Management Community workshops in April and July to develop and promote standards base protocols and services for science based cloud computing Slide 3
14 September 2010 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Slide 4 MAGIC Priorities FY Identity Management Identity Management (IdMgt) tools and services protect computers, instruments, and data from unauthorized access. Strong authentication and authorization mechanism have been the hallmark of Grid computing services. The growth in social networking has led to new IdMgt tools and services. MAGIC members should define a common set of IdMgt objectives that takes into account specific agency needs, national and international policies and agreements, and emerging protocols and services. Cloud/Grid Computing Cloud computing expands the Grid computing paradigm by incorporating virtual machine technologies into the operational environment. Scientific use of Cloud/Grid computing has the potential to shorten the time to discovery by allowing science communities access to idle resources. MAGIC members should define a set of criteria that science communities can use to evaluate this computing environment. Slide 4
14 September 2010 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Slide 5 MAGIC Workshops FY Identity Management MAGIC members will continue to track developments in the area of Identity Management. This includes monitoring activities in academic, industry, and government agencies. MAGIC members will investigate the need for a targeted workshop focusing on the needs of the science community use of IdMgt tools and services. Cloud/Grid Computing In 2010 MAGIC members participated in 2 workshops designed to identify how science communities can use cloud/grid computing environments. MAGIC members should continue to explore this space, and investigate the possibility of co-locating a workshop with the Open Science Grid All-Hands meeting in March Slide 5