ALICE-USA Grid-Deployment Plans (By the way, ALICE is an LHC Experiment, TOO!) Or (We Sometimes Feel Like and “AliEn” in our own Home…) Larry Pinsky—Computing Coordinator ALICE-USA
2 ALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC 1 Creighton University 2 Kent State University Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 4 Michigan State University 5 Oak Ridge National Laboratory 6 The Ohio State University The Ohio Supercomputing Center 7 The Ohio Supercomputing Center 8 Purdue University 9 University of California, Berkeley 10 University of California, Davis 11 University of California, Los Angeles University of Houston 12 University of Houston 13 University of Tennessee 14 University of Texas at Austin 15 Vanderbilt University 16 Wayne State University ALICE-USA Institutions Already Official Members of ALICE Major Computing Sites
3 ALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC ALICE Computing Needs From as posted 25 Feb Table 2.6T0Sum T1sSum T2sTotal CPU (MSI2K) [Peak] Transient Storage (PB) Permanent storage (PB/year) Bandwidth in (Gbps) Bandwidth out (Gbps)
4 ALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC ALICE-USA Target year % total (ALICE-USA sum MSI2K)CPU ALICE-USA sum (PB)Disk ALICE-USA sum (PB/yr)Perm. St ALICE-USA sum (Gbps)Network Each Major US siteCPU (1/3 ALICE-USA sum)Disk Perm. St Network One Full External T1 with Full Share of Supporting T2 Capabilities—Net in the US [Based on 6 External T1s] Note OSC is a Member of ALICE and has made this Now Commitment Now…
5 ALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC ALICE-USA Commitments OSC is commited now to getting NSF funding to Acquire this Level of Support. LBL (NERSC) & UH are DOE funded and Commited to supplying these resources contingent upon DOE’s approval of the ALICE-USA EMCAL project. All three institutions CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE DATA CHALLENGES… DOE is Currently well into the decision process regarding budgeting the Construction of EMCAL by ALICE-USA for ALICE. Funding to support Prototyping has been provided…
6 ALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC ALICE-USA Data Challenge Support Since 2002, ALICE-USA has provided significant support for the Data Challenges. Most recently (2004) ALICE-USA supplied ~14% (106 MSI2k-Hours) of the total (755 MSI2k- Hours) CPU and external storage capacity. For ALICE-USA intends to supply a similar fraction from existing commitments.
7 ALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC ALICE-USA Grid Middleware We will support ALICE’s needs with whatever Middleware is consistent with them… …As Well As what is consistent with our local needs in the US… Our institutions are participating in OSG in the US, and some are members of PPDG.
8 ALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC Simplified view of the ALICE Grid with AliEn Local scheduler ALICE VO – central services Central Task Queue Job submission File Catalogue Configuration Accounting User authentication Computing Element Workload management Job Monitoring Storage volume manager Data Transfer Storage Element Cluster Monitor AliEn Site services Disk and MSS Existing site components ALICE VO – Site services integration
9 ALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC ALICE VO interaction with various Grids User (Production Manager) LCG UI/RB Data Registration LCG site LCG CE WN ALICE VO Box ARC UI/RB ARC site ARC CE WN ALICE VO Box AliEn site AliEn CE WN ALICE VO Box OSG site OSG CE WN ALICE VO Box OSG UI/RB ALICE TaskQ ALICE File Catalogue Job submission
10 ALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC Some Issues ALICE software will have to blend with many GRID infrastructures. ALICE will use resources that will include many different platforms. (e.g. AliEn, PROOF and AliROOT now run on a variety of platforms such as IA32, IA64, and G5’s). The detailed OS versions cannot be mandated on all resources that will need to be used. ALICE File Catalogs, Task Queues and Production Manager will interface directly to the UI/RBs & Local Services. ALICE is evolving towards a “Cloud” model of distributed computing and away from a rigid “MONARC” model… T-1’s are distinguished from T-2’s by local MS capability and not tasks…
11 ALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC Meeting Next LBL There will be a meeting at LBL next Friday, June 10, to discuss ALICE and OSG specifically…
June 1, PinskyALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC 12 A Joint Grid Project Between Physics Departments at Universities in Texas Initiated by the High Energy (Particle) Physics Groups… To Harness Unused Local Computing Resources…
June 1, PinskyALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC 13 …In Support of HiPCAT High Performance Computing Across Texas (HiPCAT) is a consortium of Texas institutions that use advanced computational technologies to enhance research, development, and educational activities. These advanced computational technologies include traditional high performance computing (HPC) systems and clusters, in addition to complementary advanced computing technologies including massive data storage systems and scientific visualization resources. The advent of computational grids -- based on high speed networks connecting computing resources and grid 'middleware' running on these resources to integrate them into 'grids' -- has enabled the coordinated, concurrent usage of multiple resources/systems and stimulated new methods of computing and collaboration. HiPCAT institutions support the development, deployment, and utilization of all of these advanced computing technologies toenable Texas researchers to address the most challenging computational problems. (HiPCAT) is a consortium of Texas institutions that use advanced computational technologies to enhance research, development, and educational activities. These advanced computational technologies include traditional high performance computing (HPC) systems and clusters, in addition to complementary advanced computing technologies including massive data storage systems and scientific visualization resources. The advent of computational grids -- based on high speed networks connecting computing resources and grid 'middleware' running on these resources to integrate them into 'grids' -- has enabled the coordinated, concurrent usage of multiple resources/systems and stimulated new methods of computing and collaboration. HiPCAT institutions support the development, deployment, and utilization of all of these advanced computing technologies to enable Texas researchers to address the most challenging computational problems.
June 1, PinskyALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC 14 …And TIGRE The Texas Internet Grid for Research and Education (TIGRE) project goal is to build a computational grid that integrates computing systems, storage systems and databases, visualization laboratories and displays, and even instruments and sensors across Texas. TIGRE will enhance the computational capabilities for Texas researchers in academia, government, and industry by integrating massive computing power. Areas of research which will benefit in particular: biomedicine, energy and the environment, aerospace, materials science, agriculture, and information technology.
June 1, PinskyALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC 15 Setting Up THEGrid THEGrid has set up a Grid infrastructure using existing hardware in Physics Departments on campuses in Texas… Initially, a Grid3-like approach was taken using VDT (Going to OSG Soon…) Local unused resources were harnessed using Condor…
June 1, PinskyALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC 16 Using THEGrid Individual Students and Faculty at each participating campus can submit batch jobs! Jobs are submitted through a local portal on each campus… The middleware distributes the submitted jobs to one of the available locations throughout THEGrid… The output from each job is returned to the user…
June 1, PinskyALICE/Pinsky OSG Applications SLAC 17 THEGrid Texas Tech will run The OSG VOM Server