Objectives Conclusions:conceptual model of OM stabilization Evaluation of the relevance of stabilization mechanisms in different horizons Relating time scales of stabilization mechanisms to conceptual pools Material and Methods Operational fractions: (abbreviations see Figure 1) LF <1.6 g cm -3 : LF <1.6 g cm -3 :controlled by recalcitrance & aggregation HF insoluble OM: HF insoluble OM: controlled by recalcitrance & spatial accessibility DF >1.6 g cm -3 : DF >1.6 g cm -3 : mineral associated fraction HF soluble fraction: HF soluble fraction:mineral associated fraction OM resistant to H 2 O 2 -oxidation: OM resistant to H 2 O 2 -oxidation: spatial inaccessible OM Results and Discussion Figure 1: Pool sizes and 14 C ages of soil OM fractions in different horizons of a Dystric Cambisol, Germany. SOC = bulk soil organic carbon, LF = Light fraction 1.6 g cm -3, H 2 O 2 = hydrogen peroxide oxidation, HF = demineralisation with hydrofluoric acid. Dates from Eusterhues et al. (2005) and (2006), Rumpel et al. (2002) and Kaiser and Guggenberger (in preparation). A horizon: 0.77 LF * 112,4 pMC = 77% of bulk soil pMC 0.90 HF insoluble * 113 pMC = 90% of bulk soil pMC 0.23 DF * 112 pMC = 23% of bulk soil pMC 0.10 HF soluble * 98 pMC = 10% of bulk soil pMC Selective preservation & resynthesis and Occlusion in aggregates are important as also indicated by a typically strong crumb structure. Relevance of organo-mineral interactions is evaluated as low Stabilization of OM within the active and intermediate pool (modern bulk soil age) in the surface soil Pool sizes of not mineral associated fractions decrease in subsoils (HF insoluble fraction to 30% and LF to 12%). In B and C-horizons the HF insoluble fraction is even older than the mineral associated HF-soluble fraction. Increasing importance of spatial inaccessibility in subsoils. OM that is oxidized by H 2 O 2 decreases (from 90% to 70% SOC in A- to C-horizons). OM resistant to H 2 O 2 oxidation: hydrophobic OM - intercalated OM - OM in clay microstructures. H 2 O 2 has a low dispersing effect. Bw2 horizon: 0.55 HF soluble * 101 pMC = 60% of bulk soil age 0.8 DF * 84 pMC = 73% of bulk soil pMC 3C horizon: 0.7 HF soluble * 91 = 56 % of bulk soil pMC 0.8 DF * 70 pMC = 70% of bulk soil pMC Increasing importance of organo-mineral interactions in subsoils. pH in B- and C-horizons is optimal for ligand exchange. Highest amounts of pedogenic oxides are found in the Bw horizon. M. v. L ü tzow a, I. K ö gel-Knabner a, E. Matzner b K. Ekschmitt c, G. Guggenberger d, B. Marschner e, H. Flessa f & B. Ludwig g a TUM, Lehrstuhl f ü r Bodenkunde, WZW, Department f ü r Ö kologie, TU M ü nchen,Germany; b Lehrstuhl f ü r Boden ö kologie, Universit ä t Bayreuth,Germany; c IFZ – Tier ö kologie, Justus Liebig Universit ä t, Giessen,Germany; d Institut f ü r Bodenkunde und Pflanzenern ä hrung, Universit ä t Halle, Germany; e Geographisches Institut, Ruhr-Universit ä t, Bochum, f Institut f ü r Bodenkunde und Waldern ä hrung, Universit ä t G ö ttingen, Germany; g Department of Environmental Chemistry, Kassel University, Witzenhausen, Germany A conceptual model of organic matter stabilization in soils Investigating pool sizes and turnover ( 14 C) of available operational fractions in relation to bulk soil organic matter (OM) LITERATURE: a Sollins, P., Homann, P. & Caldwell, B.A Stabilisation and destabilisation of soil organic matter: mechanisms and controls. Geoderma: Rumpel, C., Kögel-Knabner, I. & Bruhn, F Vertical distribution, age, and chemical composition of organic carbon in two forest soils of different pedogenesis,. Org. Geochem. 33: Eusterhues, K., Rumpel, C. & Kögel-Knabner, I Stabilisation of soil organic matter by oxidative degradation. Organic Geochem. In press. Eusterhues, K., Rumpel, C. & Kögel-Knabner, I Organo-mineral associations in sandy acid forest soils: importance of specific surface area, iron oxides and micropores. Eur. J. Soil Sci in press. Kaiser, K. & Guggenberger, G Long-term stabilisation of organic carbon in acid soil by association with the mineral matrix, in preparation. Poster of Eusterhues, K., Rumpel, C. & Kögel-Knabner, I Radiocarbon dating of soil organic matter fractions: How effective is stabilization by organo-mineral associations? Figure 2: Italic: mechanisms; 3 process groups of mechanisms according to Sollins et al. (1996) a : primary and secondary recalcitrance, spatial inaccessibility, organo-mineral interactions. Pools within broken lines indicate postulated pools but their existence is not verified by direct measurements. DOM = dissolved OM. Table 1: Selected properties of the Dystric Cambisol at Steinkreuz, Germany DepthC Oi+e+a3 - 0n.d. A Bw Bw Bw C n.d.0.1 3C HorizonpH 4C cm% CaCl SandClaySilt % Fe oxAl ox n.d g kg C age [years] Relative amount of SOC in different fractions [%] SOC:modern SOC: 655 25yr SOC: 1756 56yr A horizon Bw2 horizon 3C horizon 0 > > > > > >5000 LF HFinsoluble H2H2 O2O2 oxidable = 100 % HFsoluble resistant DF H2H2 O2O plant residues & exudates A C T I V E P O O L yr microbial / faunal biomass & residues decomposed residues I N T E R M E D I A T E P O O L yr Transport of DOM & colloids OM in clay microstructures P A S S I V E P O O L > 100 yr microbial / faunal biomass & residues Interactions with mineral surfaces Production of charcoal by fire intercalated OM humic polymers pseudo-macromolecules organo-mineral associations Selective preservation &resynthesis Biogenic aggregation organo-mineral associations Complexation with Fe 3+, Al 3+, Ca 2+ occluded particulate OM Formation of hydrophobic surfaces Polymerisatiation Intercalation Abiotic microaggregation Encapsulation charcoal Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG Priority Programme 1090 Soils as sink and source of CO 2 - Mechanisms and regulation of organic matter stabilization in soils