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Microsoft - Surface The first humble prototype was born and nicknamed T1. The model was based on an IKEA table with a hole cut in the top and a sheet of architect vellum used as a diffuser. The evolution of Surface had begun.
Microsoft - Surface 5 camera system that enables interaction with hands, devices and objects Durable surface to withstand spills Water, photos, maps, and music software Business use only right now / htmlhttp:// / html
Microsoft - Surface
MERL - DiamondTouch DiamondTouch was first created in 2001 as an experimental multi-user interface device. Over the following few years, MERL manufactured about 100 DiamondTouch tables, lending them to universities and research organizations around the world. DiamondTouch has been available commercially since 2006.
MERL - DiamondTouch Only touch table that recognizes the user through the use of receivers usually connected to the user’s chair, can tell responses from the teacher vs. the student. Uses a front projector with system. Develops a wide variety of skills that encourage collaboration. Many customers are university research groups. Biggest market is geo-spatial information systems
Smart Table The world’s first multi-touch, multi-user table for primary education. Comes with customized PC and projection system with interactive learning applications, interactive activities and education games. Develops a wide variety of skills from reading to counting to visual spatial awareness activities to encourage collaboration. US/Products/SMART+Table/ US/Products/SMART+Table/
SurfaceDiamond TouchSmartTable Price Size Accessories RAM capabilities applications Rating none $13,500$10,000$ ’’ projector 32” and 42” screen 27” screen none Mitsubishi projector mount and stand, 4 receiver chairs 250 GB SATA Dependent on software application Multi-user Multi- users - able to distinguish who is who Multi-users Window Window, Linux Window, Mac or Linux
SurfaceDiamond TouchSmartTable Parts Support Purpose Weight Rating Table and projector Table, projector and receivers 1 unit- table Surface Team Blog and Customer community DiamondTouch User Community Website Forum On-line training and tutorials, on- site training, 24 hour support, SMART Exchange Business use Support small group collaboration 200lbs 18 lbs, 28 lbs.
Results K-3grade the SmartTable would be the best choice 4 grade -College the DiamondTouch would be the best choice
Future Desk tops would be multitouch screens so students will have easy access to computers. For students that were absent, the teacher’s notes would be on the system so the student can retrieve information or quickly review materials Students could use pictures download by the teacher to put them in a timeline. Teachers could show how events happened visually. Sign in center Order food in restaurants and even pay for them. Virtual school