Jim is hiking on a hot day and stops to get a drink. What theory is motivating him? Drive reduction theory He is drinking to achieve what? Homeostasis
Janet goes on vacation, sits on the beach and works with her laptop. She is not hungry, and has enough money to pay for the vacation. What is motivating her? Arousal theory Desire to avoid boredom Achievement motivation? Fear?
Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. What needs are at the bottom? What needs are at the top? How do you explain suicide? How do you explain a Mother’s rescuing her son from a burning building?
How can you get Johnny to clean his room each day for a week using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
Maggi voluntarily joins a gang and submits to being sexually assaulted and beaten by the gang members. Why? What basic need is she expressing? Belonging needs How do you get these needs met?
We want to hire a Psychology instructor. How would we apply the 4 predictors of job performance? A. Aptitude tests When considering an occupation B. Job knowledge tests C. Simulated job performance tests D. Informal interviews.
If the department head was a theory “X” manager, how would he try to manage the faculty?
If the department head was a theory “Y” manager, how would he manage the faculty?
What motivates love? Genetics? Hormones? Brain anatomy? Social upbringing?
Love motivation If you are straight, why do you love the opposite sex? Homosexuality The nature – nurture debate. Movie (DVD-2)
Rebecca feels guilty about having sex, but does it anyway. Janet does not feel guilty, and also does it. Which is most likely to get pregnant? Why?
Explain Master’s and Johnson’s sexual response cycle. 4 stages What is different for men?