NEXT STEPS Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality 1
Team Tasks Assemble a multidisciplinary team −Include frontline unit staff −How will you select your MD and senior executive? −Document your journey −Submit team rosters NOW Listen to on-boarding webinars Participate in monthly content and coaching calls −Thursdays at 2p Regularly meet as a team & delegate responsibility −Accept the Kick-off Challenge √ Complete the Pre-mortem activity by November 21 √ Develop a unit plan of action by November 21 Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality 2
ts/ventilator_associated_pheumonias/index.html Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality 3
Next Steps Towards Implementing Technical Work: VAP Prevention Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality 4
Next Steps: Technical Work Review evidence with CUSP team Think about how best to educate staff –Use the knowledge assessment – coming soon –Use the ‘ Eliminate VAP Unit Resource Binder’ –Create your own educational resources, be creative and share with us! Make sure staff know who to contact in your unit with questions or concerns Review unit level policies and protocols and work toward alignment with recommendations 5
Next Steps Towards Implementing CUSP: Science of Safety & Staff Safety Assessment Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality 6
Strategies for Educating Personnel on the Science of Safety Unit level staff meetings Medical staff grand rounds Hospital/unit orientation Continuous access via in-house TV / computer based training Posting on intranets or other training sites Develop a strategy to track attendance and ensure all staff are educated 7 Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality
Ask Staff “How Will the Next Patient be Harmed?” Staff Safety Assessment: –How is the next patient likely to be harmed on our unit? –What do you think we could do to prevent that harm? 8 Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality
AHRQ: Using a Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections Understand the Science of Safety: – Updated Science of Safety Video: – 9
AHRQ: Identifying Defects Through Sensemaking Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality 10 Staff Safety Assessment Tool: –
Next Steps Towards Collecting Data Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality 11
What Data Will Teams Need to Collect? Semi-annual structural assessment – Administer to all unit staff via CECity- when available – Use the information to add to your unit action plan Daily process measure data –Identify 2-3 team members to begin this task Monthly VAE data using new CDC NHSN definitions –Infection Preventionist will complete, but have a backup! Quarterly implementation assessment via interview Annual teamwork/culture data using the AHRQ Hospital Survey of Patient Safety (HSOPS) Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality 12
Next Steps for Project Team Leads: Armstrong Institute Maryland Hospital Association The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality 13
Next Steps Summarize FAQs from today's meeting Timeline for next steps, including data collection Get CECity platform up and running –Work with CECity re electronic import of process measure data What else?? Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality 14