Discussion – Chapters 12, 13, 14 & 15 Mr. Wilson English 406 ENDER’S GAME Discussion – Chapters 12, 13, 14 & 15 Mr. Wilson English 406
Chapter 12 - Bonzo There are really three big events in this chapter, though there are some smaller ones that go with them. What are these sections? Make up one-word titles (like Card's) to name these sections.
Chapter 12 - Bonzo How is chapter 12 like chapter 1?
Chapter 12 - Bonzo “Ender Wiggin must believe that no matter what happens, no adult will ever, ever step in to help him in any way. He must believe to the core of his soul, that he can only do what he and the other children work out for themselves” (p.202).
Chapter 12 - Bonzo “Because he’s the best, that’s why! Who else can fight the buggers? That’s what matters, you fool, the buggers!” (p. 210).
Chapter 12 - Bonzo As Ender's training continues, the people in charge of the Battle School make some serious changes in how the battles are organized and run. What are the major changes in this chapter?
Chapter 12 - Bonzo “There was no help for him. Whatever he faced, now and forever, no oned would save him from it…Peter had been right, always right; the power to kill and destroy…and nothing and no one will ever save you” (p.212).
Chapter 12 - Bonzo What are the reactions shown by the following characters to Ender's demolition of Bonzo: Dink, Bean, Ender, Colonel Anderson
Chapter 12 - Bonzo “He wanted to go back home, back to the battle school, the only place in the universe where he belonged” (p.225).
Chapter 12 - Bonzo How surprised were you to learn about what actually happened to Bonzo? How much more surprised were you to learn about Stilson? Why did they keep this knowledge from Ender?
Chapter 13 - Valentine
Chapter 13 - Valentine What is the official reaction to finding out who Locke and Demosthenes are? What are the good and bad points as far as the voices are concerned? (We don't actually know who is talking in this segment.)
Chapter 13 - Valentine Ender tells you the secret of how he manages to win all the time. What is it? (p. 238) How is this related to Peter's (p. 131) special ability and Valentine's (p. 127)?
Chapter 13 - Valentine After Ender has made up his mind what to do, Graff tries to explain to him why he brought him back to Earth and let him take three months to make up his mind. What connection does Graff want Ender to make?
Chapter 13 - Valentine How did humans learn that faster than light, instant communication was possible? How is this related to Ender watching the old invasion videos?
Chapter 13 - Valentine "If the other fellow can't tell you his story, you can never be sure he isn't trying to kill you." Why can't the two races communicate? Why is this important? What are three reasons that have been given for the buggers attacking Earth.
Chapter 13 - Valentine Graff says, "Nature can't evolve a species that hasn't the will to survive ... the race as a whole can never decide not to exist." How does this apply to the decision Ender has to make?
Chapter 14 – Ender’s Teacher
Chapter 14 – Ender’s Teacher How is Eros different than the Battle School? Ender's training? His social activities? Opportunities for comradeship?
Chapter 14 – Ender’s Teacher How did they manage to keep Mazer Rackham around for 70 years so he could be Ender's teacher? What did it cost him? What does this tell you about sacrifice?
Chapter 14 – Ender’s Teacher What things did humanity learn from the buggers? How did Rackham win the second war? Why would buggers not see killing individuals the same way humans would? What is “Dr. Device?”
Chapter 14 – Ender’s Teacher What are some of the signs that the constant pressure is wearing on Ender and his squad leaders?
Chapter 14 – Ender’s Teacher What happens on Earth as soon as the Bugger War is over? Were Peter and Valentine right? Why is Ender and the other kids potentially in danger?
Chapter 15 – Speaker for the Dead
Chapter 15 – Speaker for the Dead This chapter begins with another dialogue, only this time it's presented as a regular narrative. Why has the style changed? What important changes are about to take place on Earth?
Chapter 15 – Speaker for the Dead It's not often that a writer will provide such a long epilogue, or conclusion, at the end of a novel. Generally there's a climax - BANG! - and just a little bit of mopping up afterwards. This is not the case here. What are the significant developments in this chapter?
Chapter 15 – Speaker for the Dead Why did Val (using her Demosthenes persona) make it so that Ender could not go back to Earth? What is her plan? What is Ender's objection to it?
Chapter 15 – Speaker for the Dead Why did Val (using her Demosthenes persona) make it so that Ender could not go back to Earth? What is her plan? What is Ender's objection to it?
Chapter 15 – Speaker for the Dead Eight years after they reach their colony world, Ender gets a big surprise. What is it?
Chapter 15 – Speaker fro the Dead The Hive Queen's communication with Ender confirms Rackham's theories about why they invaded and takes them a little further. What does Ender learn? What is Ender's response? (There are two things.)