A CCF Total Athlete Network Event for the CCF Building Project Run to Build A CCF Total Athlete Network Event for the CCF Building Project
General Info A 3k buddy run, 5k & 10k Fun-Run, Open to the Public, all CCF members, their families & friends Minimum target of 2,000 runners Target date: Saturday, February 26, 2011 Venue: Tiendesitas (by the CCF Building)
Objectives To share the gospel to unbelievers at the event; To help raise funds for the CCF building project; To promote a healthy lifestyle among CCF members (I Corinthians 6:19-20); To provide a venue for CCF members, their family & friends to bond together.
Strategy for Fund Raising We are targeting Corporate sponsorships that would wish to reach this huge audience in just one gathering. They can promote, sell, display, give samples, flyers about their products & services. These for-profit corporations would normally not contribute directly to the CCF Building Fund but would usually consider sponsoring events such as this to promote their products & services.
Strategy for Fund Raising We wish to solicit sponsorships through CCF members who would help endorse this project and influence corporate leaders, decision-makers to sponsor. Again these are companies that would not directly donate to the Building Fund but would be willing to participate in these events with marketing opportunities.
Strategy for Fund Raising The Fun-Run Group has a Sponsorship Team who would oversee and help CCF members with the ff: Provide sponsorship letter templates, Follow-up sponsors via phone, email Answer questions from sponsors Coordinate and provide a centralized database to prevent duplication of solicitations Present the project to the various Pastoral area meetings, Daughter churches, D12 & Dgroup meetings etc.
What’s in it for the sponsors? A rare opportunity to connect with this ‘hard to reach’ audience of at least 2,000 people from the Prime A, A & B socio-economic strata and promote/market their products & services. Help in the noble cause of raising funds for the CCF Building project which aims to train lay leaders from all over the world to help transform lives, families and communities, all for God’s glory. That’s not all, a sponsoring company can also claim tax deductibility privileges for their contribution with CCF’s donee institution status.
What’s in it for the sponsors? Payments can follow by early January 2011 and onwards (next year’s budget) We just need their signed commitment as early as possible because it’s first-come-first-served for product lock-out and other prime selling opportunities (logo inclusions in runners’ shirts etc, booth locations and others).
Can any company sponsor? No. Potential sponsors, their products, services & promotion methods will be screened to avoid any activity or product that may not be glorifying to God and likewise offend some of our fellow believers.
Sponsorship Packages Gold Package – P75,000 Logo inclusion in Race T-shirts or singlets Registration forms Stage backdrop Certificate of Participation Print ads in select broadsheets ( dates and publications to follow); Company/ product banner ad in Total Athlete Network website and facebook; Mention of company/ product in select press releases; Display of company streamers/ banners around the venue; Provision for company/product booths for product display, selling and sampling; Flyering activity before and or after the event or inclusion of flyers/samples in participants’ lootbags; Display/ Installation of company/ product buntings around the vicinity of the stage area; Mascot appearance, if any, before and or after the event; Display of product inflatable balloon, if any, at the vicinity of the venues (subject for clearance of venue); Live voice over acknowledgement before and after the event; Option to create an activity or promo gimmick before the awarding ceremony; Ten (10) free registration for your participants / representatives
Sponsorship Packages Silver Package – P50,000 Logo inclusion in Race T-shirts or singlets Registration forms Stage backdrop Certificate of Participation Print ads in select broadsheets ( dates and publications to follow); Company/ product banner ad in Total Athlete Network website and facebook; Mention of company/ product in select press releases; Display of company streamers/ banners around the venue; Provision for company/product booths for product display, selling and sampling; Flyering activity before and or after the event or inclusion of flyers/samples in participants lootbags; Live voice over acknowledgement before and after the event; Six (6) free registration for your participants / representatives
Sponsorship Packages Bronze Package – P25,000 Company/ product banner ad in Total Athlete Network website and facebook; Display of company streamers/ banners around the venue; Flyering activity before and or after the event or inclusion of flyers/samples in participants’ lootbags; Live voice over acknowledgement before and after the event; Four (4) free registration for your participants / representatives
Sponsorship Packages Media Partner Package – (in exchange of at least P75,000 worth of advertisements) Logo inclusion in Race T-shirts or singlets Registration forms Stage backdrop Certificate of Participation Print ads in select broadsheets ( dates and publications to follow); Company/ product banner ad in Total Athlete Network website and facebook; Display of company streamers/ banners around the venue; Provision for company/product booths for product display, selling and sampling; Flyering activity before and or after the event or inclusion of flyers/samples in participants lootbags; Display/ Installation of company/ product buntings around the vicinity of the stage area; Mascot appearance, if any, before and or after the event; Display of product inflatable balloon, if any, at the vicinity of the venues(subject for clearance of venue); Live voice over acknowledgement before and after the event; Option to create an activity or promo gimmick before the awarding ceremony; Ten (10) free registration for your participants / representatives
Do we accept in-kind sponsorships? For now, we are prioritizing cash sponsorships this being a fund-raising event. However, in-kind sponsorships will be accepted for the following items: Singlets (Tshirts) Race numbers Water stations (3) Prizes Certificates Printing Stage & sound system, scaffold rental Tarpaulin printing (event backdrop, banners) Tents, tables, chairs, Loot bags Ambulance & paramedics/medical team Printing of Registration Forms, flyers Food for Race & Events team, marshalls, volunteers
Others Requests for product lock-out will only be considered for Gold (P75,000) sponsorships but is subject to the approval of CCF Total Athlete Network. Sponsors to provide logo (jpeg format) and email to ccffunrun@yahoo.com Inclusion of sponsors’ logo in runners’ singlets (shirts), registration forms, race numbers will only be accommodated up to December 2010 and upon receipt of confirmation via a signed sponsorship response form. Official Receipts will be given upon receipt of payment. Certification of Donation will be issued upon sponsor’s request. For product flyers/samples, sponsors must prepare at least 2,000 pcs. If for inclusion in participants’ lootbag, these must be submitted to the organizers ten (10) days before the event at the latest.
Others Finally, we covet your prayers for: God’s blessing & provision on this project That many would receive the gospel during the event Good weather & that no untoward incident may happen in the event. That many companies will sponsor. That many CCF members would join and help solicit sponsors That He would guide, give strength & wisdom for the organizers.