Background Information If we don’t started recycling now our earth will turn into a land field. The earth is where we are happy and where we live. If we don’t take care of our world and recycle our plastic bottles it will turn into this right here. So stop throwing plastic water bottles on the ground and in the trash. Please start recycling, our earth would be so much better. This is a picture of how our earth will look if we do recycle.
ents/quick/plastic.htm ents/quick/plastic.htm plastic_first_invented_by_man plastic_first_invented_by_man
QuestionConditional StatementIf, Then Statement What would happen if the ocean got filled with plastic? All the animals that lived in the ocean will all die. If plastic bottles pollute the ocean fish will die and there will be no fish to eat. What would happen if the birds eat all the plastic? If the birds eat all the plastic they would die. If the animals that eat birds don’t have food to eat they will die.
How much does a plastic bottle weight when it has water in it? weight of the water bottles are 3.2 oz How much does a plastic bottle weight when empty? Weight of the bottles with no water are 0.0 oz
For the talent 21 project I decided to do plastic water bottles. First I wanted to see how many plastic water bottles I drink in a week. I use 4 plastic water bottles a day for Saturday and Sunday, but on schools days I use 2 plastic water bottles a day. This would make a total number of plastic water bottles used in a week’s time 18. Next, I decided see how many plastic bottles I used in a month. When I did the math for a month I saw I used about 72 plastic water bottles a mouth. This does not include the months that have 5 weeks in them. Lastly, I decided to do the year. I had no idea it would increases so much. I found out that I use approximately 936 bottles a year. Wow that is a lot of plastic bottles. I have now decided to only use 6 plastic water bottles per week and use a reusable container to put water in. This will help reduce my ecological footprint. By using only 6 plastic water bottles a week, this will make my monthly plastic water bottle usage only 32 a month. This still would not include any months that have an extra week. My yearly usage of plastic water bottles would be reduced to416. This will really help our planet.
I entitled my music creation Landfill because when we fill up a landfill it is very sad. While listening to my music hopefully you will decide to switch from plastics bottles for life to metal water containers.
WeeklyHow many I drink in a weekHow many I will drink in a weekDifference Sunday431 Monday200 Tuesday200 Wednesday200 Thursday200 Friday200 Saturday431 MonthlyHow many I drink in a monthHow many I will drink in a monthDifference Sunday16124 Monday800 Tuesday800 Wednesday800 Thursday800 Friday800 Saturday16124 YearlyHow many I drink in a yearHow many I will drink in a yearDifference Sunday Monday1040 Tuesday1040 Wednesday1040 Thursday1040 Friday1040 Saturday
Here of plastic waters that I use in a day?
This picture is showing that how people like us just recycle plastic bottles even when they do not have time. They always fit it in every day even when they have a lot of stuff on there mind. Always recycle plastic bottles even when you see it on the ground, pick it up and throw it away.
This picture is showing how people like use do not like to recycle plastic water bottles at all. This little girl is saying NEVER HELP RECYCLE PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES. Is that what we want no so get off our buns and start recycling today to keep the earth clean. Always recycle plastic water bottles
I created this plastic recycling bin from skecthup. This is a recycling bin when I drink my plastic water bottles on the weakens. Recycle Bin
Dominique Hayes