Johan Botha NBC Holdings (Pty) Ltd
OR Provident Fund value as at 28/02/2015 Provident Benefit as at 01/03/2015 Interest on Provident Benefit Pension Benefit (Contributions from 03/ interest) Provident benefit as at Retirement date 1/3 rd Lump sum 2/3 rd Monthly pension 01/03/2015RETIREMENT
Administration charges: Creation of additional member record Administration fee structures - One set fee, or A set fee plus a rider fee
Member communication/education: Impact of reforms Allaying fears Pension/annuity options
Lump sum Disability Benefits (PTD): From lump sum to ‘ill health retirement’ Set-up cost for Employer: Changes to pay roll system Adjustments to salary statements
From payslip to cash flow statement: Personal financial planning. Transfer after 1 March 2015: Hybrid arrangements…??
Changes in ‘Take Home Pay’ (7.5% Member contribution Provident Fund) SALARY pmCONTR.Pre 2015Post 2015THP (+) R R R R 0.00 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R
Tax saving to work for you (R % interest) TERMPROCEEDSPREMIUMRETURN 5 yearsR R R yearsR R R yearsR R R
Members 55 years and older Employer : Contribution Holiday Consolidation of Funds