1 Digital Theses – The New Zealand Experience
2 Presented by: Gail Pattie - University Librarian, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand John Redmayne - University Librarian, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand Sally Sleigh - Acting University Librarian, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
3 Agenda Introduction Tertiary Education in New Zealand New Zealand Policy Environment Activity To Date Conclusion
4 New Zealand
5 New Zealand Universities Auckland 1.University of Auckland (1883) 2.Auckland University of Technology (2000) Hamilton 3.University of Waikato (1965) Palmerston North 4.Massey University (1928) Wellington 5.Victoria University of Wellington (1897) Christchurch 6.University of Canterbury (1873) 7.Lincoln University (1881) Dunedin 8.University of Otago (1869)
6 Tertiary Education Organisation Category Headcount Students (2004) Share of Total Students Universities (8)174,49436% Colleges of Education (2 remaining) 7,1051.5% Polytechnics (20)232,73448% Wananga (3) 70, % Total Students485,108100% Table 1. Tertiary Sector Student Numbers Source:
7 University Sector Growth UniversityEFT Student EFT P/Grad EFT U/Grad Headcount Student Headcount P/Grad Headcount U/Grad University of Auckland 28,026 4,862 23,164 35,723 7,984 27,739 Auckland University of Technology 15, ,748 23,500 1,087 22,413 University of Waikato 10, ,776 12,550 1,594 10,956 Massey University 23,320 4,882 18,438 41,412 9,072 32,340 Victoria University of Wellington* 13,769 1,751 12,018 16,255 2,188 14,067 University of Canterbury 12,168 1,846 10,322 13,428 2,453 10,975 Lincoln University 3, ,227 4, ,386 University of Otago 16,6371,615 15,022 18,923 1,837 17,086 Total:123,76317,048106,715166,60226,640139,962 Table 2. University Sector Student Numbers * Figures for Victoria University of Wellington are for 2003 Source: New Zealand university library statistics 2004 (draft)
8 Postgraduate Number Implications UniversityDoctoratesMasters/Honours University of Auckland1291,171 Auckland University of Technology 0 (New University) 130 University of Waikato Massey University Victoria University of Wellington University of Canterbury Lincoln University University of Otago Total:5214,679 Table 3. Theses Completion Data Source:
9 The New Zealand Policy Environment Tertiary Education Commission
10 The New Zealand Policy Environment Performance Based Research Fund (PBRF)Evidence portfolios
11 The New Zealand Policy Environment National Digital Strategy Access to digital information Collect digital resources Storage and preservation Digitize collections
12 The New Zealand Policy Environment Institutional repositories project n/HomePage
13 Activity to date: CONZUL has joined ADT Programme Mandatory deposit Abstracts only RUBRIC partnership ProQuest options ADT software Demonstrator sites for the New Zealand institutional repository project
14 Lessons learned to date include: The Library is the best manager Have an academic champion Involve postgraduate students Patience is a virtue Value of a ready-made solution and assistance to implement
15 Conclusion New Zealand is poised to: embrace opportunities increase international accessibility position libraries as leaders take the first step towards full institutional repositories deliver superb service