Destinations and Destination Management: concepts and implications Douglas Pearce Victoria University of Wellington
Key message Successful destination management is based on how we view destinations and on the concepts of destinations that we use.
What is a destination?
Characteristics of destinations -Provide a bundle of products and experiences -Have a geographical dimension – associated with places at a range of scales -Can be seen from supply or demand perspectives- or both
ClustersNetwork System Social Construct Concepts of destinations
Clusters “… are geographic concentrations of interconnected companies and institutions in a particular field”. (Porter, 1998) Clusters are critical to competition: -Increasing productivity access to employees, suppliers, specialized information complementarities – whole greater than the sum of its parts better motivation & measurement -Driving innovation -Stimulating the formation of new businesses
Silva Vera 2002
Timur & Getz (2008) Calgary Tourism Network
Leiper (1979) Systems
Barrado Timón (2004) Concept of tourist destination
Manente & Cerato(1999)
‘Tourism is a social process as much as it is a form of economic development.’ (Ringer 1998) Saraniemi & Kylanen (2011) Destination as social Construct
Destinations are places shared, and changed, by tourists and residents Lemasson & Violier (2009)
ClustersNetwork System Social Construct Implications for destination management
NetworkCluster Who & how rather than what Emphasis on relationships & governance Potential for innovation Lacks concern with spatial structure & physical planning. May assume stability
Jackson & Murphy (2002) Criteria for diagnosing destinations
Merinero Rodríguez y Pulido Fernández (2009) Relationships in the tourism management of Spanish destinations Antequera Úbeda Écija relationships & levels of tourism development
Barrado Timón (2004) emphasize role of local factors engagement with local population & processes places are dynamic not stable transformation of places by & for tourism
Manente & Cerato(1999) Systems emphasize a more comprehensive approach
Leiper (2009) What is the right balance of DMO’s internal vs external activities? e.g. marketing vs managing impacts Barrado Timón (2004)
ClusterNetworkSocial Construct Common factor: destination management involves working together How can we best do this ?
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