Industry Update NZFMA Seminar, Wellington 20 March 2013 Michael Brooks Executive Director
Membership Continued growth, particularly in the last 2 years. 21 Companies – feed manufacturers. 1 Blender. Associate Members 22. Potentially 3 more Associates by June and 9 new feed manufacturer companies.
Training Major work done (Steven Kerr and Wharehoe Lissington). NZFMA office taken over administration of course training course – 12 positions filled quickly. NZFMA will provide $750 per trainee on successful completion and qualification obtained. Trainee of the Year to be recognised.
Statistics NZFMA quarterly and annual statistics are a key resource. A revised statistics package is in place. Eliminates need to transpose figures and thus reduces potential for errors. Will allow more analysis of various elements of statistics.
Annual Feeds Review / Salmonella status Salmonella – MPI acknowledges complex issues. Manufactured feed has been identified as a possible source but data suggests much lower than anticipated. – Raw material sources, e.g. meat and bone meal, can be problematic. More control needed there. FMA looking at Salmonella test regimes sharing knowledge and good practice.
Animal Feeds Review Feed – potential risks e.g. biosecurity, trade food safety etc. MPI conducting review FMA understands MPI reviewing internally to better understand all their interfaces with industry. NZFMA signalled to MPI wish to be proactive and involved in process.
Resource Management Act Review of the Act / Freshwater Management Plan / Auckland Unitary Plan, Canterbury Regional Plan. There are 4 major Resource Management Act issues that could have major impact on feed manufacturing. A watching brief on all the topics and submissions will be made where potential risks are identified.
Labelling This is a major issue with implications arising from a number of areas. Fonterra had a meeting in February to discuss feed documentation – NZFMA Labelling Guide was seen as a useful guide. Retailers selling inadequately labelled bagged product have had communication from NZFMA and guidance on labelling.
Ruminant Feed NZFMA Ruminant Feed Booklet – The NZFMA has previously produced a booklet for dairy farmers on the potential to increase farm profit using manufactured feed. – A revised and updated booklet is going through a revision process and will be released shortly. – Dairy NZ comments on supplementary feed. – The NZFMA keeps a watch on this topic. The Association’s view is that balance is important and it will look to respond constructively.
AFIC / IFIF AFIC – Arable Feed Industry – AFIC is a body representing arable interests. Membership includes Federated Farmers, FAR, NZFMA, research bodies, NZ Grain and Seed Association. – A useful body to raise the public profile of this sector. Also allows NZFMA to engage with farmers in a constructive environment. IFIF – International Feed Industry Federation – NZFMA is a member. ED Alexandra de Athayde has raised IFIF profile with Codex, OIE and WHO initiatives. – Ensures feed issues are considered at international forums.
Website / Feed Forum / Business Director Website – – Has been revised and upgraded. – Office will be putting more material on website – need your feedback on content. Feed Forum – Office welcomes industry feedback on content. Business Directory – Office is developing a business directory of suppliers for members. Draft coming soon.
Thank you