The Big Picture How relevant are pedestrian access issues to everyday life? Almost every trip taken has a pedestrian component.


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Presentation transcript:

The Big Picture How relevant are pedestrian access issues to everyday life? Almost every trip taken has a pedestrian component.

Are pedestrian environments usable for everyone? Typically designed for people who are fit, young and able bodied Not everyone has access to the same opportunities to use the pedestrian system

The demographics of people with disabilities have changed Young people with disabilities and illnesses live longer and healthier lives

Demographics 20% of the US Population has a disability (US Census,2000) 5.2 million are between the ages of 1 and million are between the ages of 21 to million are over the age of 65 (42% of this age group)

The number of people with disabilities is expected to increase The number of people with severe vision loss is expected to increase from the current 4. 3 million to 20 million by the year 2010 The number of people with visual disabilities is 3 times of those who use wheelchairs

The number of people with disabilities is expected to increase 50% of the US population will be over the age of 55 in year 2030

Accessible environments = Independent lives At some point in their lives 70 % of the US population will have a temporary or permanent disability that will limit their ability to climb stairs

Access is a community concern Almost every trip taken has a pedestrian component Access is an economic and social concern

Access is a community concern Segments of the population lose their independence when streets are not designed for all users.

Solving the problems Raising the level of awareness We have not kept up with the needs of our changing populations

Civil Rights Laws are wake-up calls to inequities The Rehabilitation Act (1973) and ADA (1990), prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities

Rehabilitation Act, Section 504 (1973) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits federal funding on any project that discriminates against people with disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) US DOT oversight Equal access to services, facilities, and programs for people w/disabilities

Confusion over design minimums and best practice ADA Design Minimums are the building blocks for applying better design practices What if car lanes were built to the minimum width of cars?

15 Accessible information vs. Information barriers How would blind pedestrians know they had to push the button to get a walk signal? The truncated dome pattern on the detectable warning provides information that the sidewalk in ending.

Engineering practice playing catch-up with Civil Rights requirements and new technologies Removing communication barriers is as necessary as removing physical barriers

Accessibility = Safety If it is not accessible it is not:  Safe  Usable

Both the devil and the Angels are in the details! Complaints, lawsuits, and construction costs can be minimized with attention to details

Applying best practices for the comfort and safety of all users The access, safety and comfort of pedestrians is as important as meeting the needs of motorists

Gaps to Fill Awareness of the issues Knowledge of design standards and requirements Tools for professionals Designers need to consult and understand the needs of users

“Whether you believe you can… or believe you cannot…, you are right!” -- H. Ford